27th November, 2016

Time: 02 hours                                                        Max. Marks 100

 All Questions are compulsory and all questions carry equal marks.



1.Two persons are within the degree of prohibited relationships, if they are related by :

a) Full Blood b) Half or Uterine Blood

c) Adoption d)  All the Above



2 . A contracts to pay B Rs.10,000/-, if B’s house is burnt. This is

a) Void contract b) Contingent contract

c) Wager d) None of the Above.



3 . Abetting the commission of suicide is dealt with under :

a) 306 IPC b) S.307 IPC  c) S.308 IPC  d) S.309 IPC



4 . Section 75 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 deals with:

a) Primary evidence b) Secondary evidence

c) Public document d) Private document



5 . Admission is defined in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 in

a) Section 16 b) Section 17 c) Section 18    d) Section 20



6 . An Executive Magistrate is empowered to grant remand u/s 167 of the Cr.P.C., for a maximum period of

a) 15 days b) 7 days c) 30 days    d) 90 days



7 . “A” and “B” jointly sued “C” for Rs. 20,000/-. Whether “C” can set off for the debt due to him by “A” alone?

a) Yes b) No c) Neither (a) nor (b) d) None of the above

8 . “A” makes an attempt to steal some jewels by breaking open a box, but finds no jewels inside the box after it is opened. Which is the provision of law, under which, he may be held guilty?

a) Section 511 IPC b) Section 420 IPC

c) Section 379 IPC d) None of the above.



9 . The act of a child under ___  years of age is not an offence

a) 5 b) 7     c) 14    d) 18



10 . What will be the effect of mistake as to law in force on the agreement?

a) Not voidable b) Voidable c) Void      d) Not void



11 . In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court held that marriages of all persons should be made compulsorily registrable?

a) Seema Vs. Ashwinikumar

b) Geeta Jagdish Vs. Jagdish

c) Durga Tripati Vs. Arundati Tripati

d) Ramesh Chand Vs. Rameshwari Bai



12 . A marriage under the Hindu Marriages Act must be solemnized in accordance with customary rights of

a) The bride b) The bridegroom

c) Both the bride and the bridegroom

d) Either the bride or the bridegroom.



13 . Robbery is dacoity when the minimum number of persons involved is a) 10      b) 5             c) 3          d) 2



14 . Easement is a right:

a) In Rem b) In Personam c) Neither (a) nor (b)

d) Sometimes in Rem and sometimes in Personam


15 . The expression “good faith” in Sec. 51 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is used in the light of

a) The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

b) The General Clauses Act, 1897

c) The Registration Act, 1908 d) The specific Relief Act, 1963



16 . Secondary evidence of a document under the Indian Evidence Act means

a) Copy of the document

b) Oral account of the contents of the document

c) Both (a) and (b) d) Only (a) and not (b).



17 . A co-defendant in a case:

a) Cannot be cross examined by another co-defendant in any circumstance.

b) Can be cross examined by another co-defendant

c) Can be cross examined by another co-defendant when their interests are adverse to each other d) None of these.



18 . The remedies available against an ex parte decree is

a) Appeal b) Review  c) Application to set aside  d) All the three



19. Rescission cannot be granted

a) Where restitution to the original position not possible

b) Where the contract stands ratified

c) In severable contracts d) In all the above.


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