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PALSAR’s Model key to Jr. Civil Judge Written Exam dated: 11/10/2015 – Hyderabad.


1. Explain the following:

a) Doctrine of Marshalling (3 Marks)

b) Right to Redemption (3 Marks).

a) Doctrine of Marshalling: It is explained under S.81 of the Transfer of Property Act. It recognizes right in favour of the subsequent mortgagee. The subsequent mortgagee to exercise this right the following conditions are satisfied: i) Mortgagor shall have more than one property and he should have mortgaged his properties ii) Later, the same mortgagor, mortgaged the same few or any one of those mortgaged properties to    Thus, the subsequent mortgagee has a right to request, the prior mortgage to realize the mortgage debt out of the property not mortgaged to him

b) Redemption: It is explained under S.60 of the Transfer of Property Act. It recognizes right in favour of the mortgagor. The term redemption means the right of a mortgagor to get back his property or documents of title relating to property from the mortgagee on payment of debt on or before a specified time. Once the money is paid by the mortgagor, he gets the right of redemption immediately. Any stipulation forming part of the mortgage transaction & inconsistent with the right of redemption is a clog on redemption. It is void.

The redemption applies only if the entire mortgage debt is cleared. It means the person having a share in the mortgage property cannot redeem his share in the property as of a right where there are several mortgages, none of them can redeem his share alone, but any of them can redeem the entire mortgage.

2.What are the documents, which compulsorily require registration and what are the consequences of an unregistered document? (6 marks)

Ans: S.17 of the Registration Act, lists document required by law to be registered. They are: 1. Sale or exchange of immovable property of the value of Rs.100/- or upwards. 2) Simple Mortgage,  3) Instruments of gift of immovable property. 4) Other mortgages (except mortgage by deposit of title deeds) when the principal money secured is Rs.100/- or upwards. 5) Lease. 6)Instruments transferring or assigning any decree or order or award of a court of any award when such decree or award purports or operate to create, declare, assign, limit or extinguish.

Consequences of  non-registration: According to S.49 of the Act, an unregistered document required to be registered under law can’t be received in evidence except in case of a contract in a suit for specific performance or as evidence of any collateral transaction not required to be effected by registered instrument.

3(a). “Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts” Explain how? (2 Marks)

Ans: To prove a case, fact shall be placed before court.  However, S.5 and S.136 of the Evidence Act puts a prohibition on the court not to receive facts unless expressly recognized as relevant under the Act. They are called as relevant facts. Those relevant facts are listed under S.6 to S.55 of the Evidence Act.  The term fact in issue means that relevant fact which establishes right or liability is called fact in issue.  Thus, fact in issue is also a relevant fact. It is spelled out under S.13, 14 IEA.

 3(b) State the circumstances under which statements of the person who can’t be called as witness are relevant? (2 Marks)

Ans: The relevant facts shall be testified by persons who perceived by their own senses.  However, under certain conditions like: he is dead or incapable of giving evidence or not found or can’t be procured with unreasonable delay, any person can give evidence of his former statement subject to condition laid down under S.32 & 33 of the Act.

SectionKind of Fact (Former Statement)Under what Circumstances
 S.32(1)Death of deceasedAs to cause to his death or circumstances relating to cause of his death
S.32(2)About acknowledgement of the receipt of any property or a document.Made in the course of business or in the discharge of professional duty in books
S.32(3)Statement made against the pecuniary or proprietary interest of the person making it or exposed him to a criminal prosecution or to a suit for damages.Statement made at any time.
S.32(4)Statement gives opinion as to a public right or custom or matters of general interest and it was made before any controversy as to such right or custom had arisen.Statement made at any time.
S.32(5)Statement relates to the existence of any relationship between persons. However, to be receiving as evidence, maker has special means of knowledge and it was made before the question in dispute arose.Statement made at any time.
S.32(6)Statement relates to the existence of any relationship by blood, marriage or adoption between persons deceased and is made in any will or deed or family pedigree, or upon any tombstone or family portrait, and was made before the question in dispute arose.Statement made at any time
S.32(7)Statement is contained in any deed, will or other document which relates to any such transaction as is mentioned in Section 13, Clause (a)..Statement made at any time
S.32(8)When the statement was made by a number of persons, and expressed feelings or impressions on their part relevant to the matter in question, will, or other document.Statement made at any time
S.331)If the proceeding was between the same parties;2) That the adverse party in the first proceeding had the right and opportunity to cross-examination.3) That the questions in issue were substantially the same in the first as in the second proceedings.Depositions made in a former suit or proceedings by witnesses.

 3(c). Discuss the legal provisions about the evidence of accomplice? (2 Marks)

Ans: The confession of co-accused is relevant as per S.30 Evidence Act. It can be used to prove the case against the co-accused also.  Ex: (a) A and B are jointly tried for the murder of C. It is proved that A said—”B and I murdered C”. The Court may consider the effect of this confession as against B. An accomplice is a competent person to testify and it is legal to act upon his evidence though uncorroborated. However, it is settled proposition that court shall look for some kind of corroboration, even, indirect. S.114, illustration (b) of the IEA envisages the presumptive uncredit worthiness of an accomplice.


At outset, it shall be mentioned that the Principal purpose of a Criminal court is to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. The standard of proof in a criminal case is beyond reasonable doubt.  This touchstone relieves the burden of a defense lawyer in great way as accused by creating doubt about the prosecution case can bailout his client from the case. In this part we will see how criminal case gets into motion and various stages it pass through before it comes to a logical end.  Apart from that it also spells out various tools defense counsel can use to end the prosecution case at various stages or disarm the wheels of prosecution evidence.

Generally, in criminal side, the case would come before court either by way of police report (Charge-sheet) or compliant.  On receipt of charge-sheet or complaint, if the court takes cognizance issues summons to the accused for his appearance. The accused on receipt of documents has a right to file a discharge petition or petition 482 Cr.PC. If discharge is allowed accused would be set at liberty. The following are the grounds on which discharge can be sought by the accused:

(a) Alleged acts facts didn’t disclose any offence

(b) Double jeopardy (S.300 Cr.P.C)

(c) Matter is of civil in nature

(d) Barred by limitation (467-473 Cr.P.C)

(e) The court has no jurisdiction to try the case (177-189 Cr.P.C)

(f) That the prosecution has not been properly launched (190-199 Cr.P.C).

If the accused plead not guilty, prosecution produces its evidence in support of their case. The court upon completion of prosecution evidence is under an obligation to examine the accused u/s.313 Cr.P.C by explaining the incriminating prosecution evidence. The accused has every right to adduce defense evidence and upon closure of his evidence, the court hears arguments and pronounce verdict.  If court convicts accused, he will be heard on sentence. Apart from this main course there are many intermediate and incidental proceedings would run parallel during the pendency of the main criminal case and they are called as Criminal Miscellaneous applications.  In this course we study all those important issues and stages from practical angle with the aid of wild life offence, 304AIPC, 498A & 324 IPC.     Due to paucity of time this course limits to these offences only.





Adjudicatory Process                                           CRIMINAL   
Method of addressing grievance  & rules relating to itMost of the Criminal cases commence by filing Charge-sheet by the Police. The Charge-sheet is the summary of investigation. It contains the following: Offence committed and method of commission and against whom it is committed and date of report of offence.  The approach of investigation so as to collect the relevant and admissible evidence and finally the persons with whom and what evidence Investigating officer (IO) wants to prove the guilt of the accused. S.154 Cr.P.C to S.176 Cr.P.C clothes IO with several powers he can exercise in the course of investigation. Charge-sheet has following enclosures: FIR, S.161 Cr.P.C or S.164 Cr.P.C statements, Scene of offence Panchanamma,  Inquest/wound certificate/ Post-Mortem, Confession & recovery Panchnamma,
Cognizance & Summons On receipt of Charge-sheet, if the Magistrate is of the opinion that allegation made in the Charge-sheet coupled with documents filed make out a primafacie case, cognizance will be taken against the offence. Upon taking cognizance usually summons will be issued to the accused and this summons must be signed by Magistrate. This is served through the concerned police.
Appearance of accused On appearance of accused it is the duty of the court to furnish copies of documents and ask him whether he has means to engage an advocate or otherwise court shall engage legal aid counsel. At this stage accused has an opportunity to file discharge petition by stating that allegation made out in the charge-sheet fail to make out any case against him.
Charge If no discharge petition is filed or it is dismissed.  The next step is examination of the accused w.r.t allegation made against him by police by framing charge. The framing of charge must be in accordance with S.211 to 226 of Cr.P.C. During examination if the accused admits guilt, court may convict him or if he doesn’t admit matter will be posted for trial by issuing summons to the witness listed in the charge-sheet.
Prosecution Evidence Generally in cases initiated by police the first examined would be person who reported the offence to the police. It is followed by eye witness, witness to scene, inquest, PME, confession and recovery and finally Investigation officer.  The prosecution witnesses are called as PW1, PW2….. and documents marked on behalf of prosecution are called as ExP1, P2….. . In case of witness examined by accused are called DW1, DW2…. And documents marked are called as ExD1, D2….
S.313 Cr.P.COn completion of prosecution evidence accused will be examined u/s.313 Cr.P.C   w.r.t. incriminating evidence in the prosecution evidence. This examination shall not be on oath. Any document can be filed and whatever said in S.313 Cr.P.C shall not be foundation for conviction.
Defense evidenceUpon completion of S.313 Cr.P.C accused can produce his evidence, however, generally in criminal cases no accused would venture to produce defense witness.
ArgumentsIf there is no defense evidence or on completion of defense evidence matter will be posted for arguments and party on either side submit oral or written arguments and upon completion of the same matter will be posted for judgment.
 Judgment and Sentence.The judgment of court would be either acquittal or conviction. If matter ends in acquittal, accused will be set at liberty. If the matter ends in conviction, accused will heard on sentence. Upon hearing the accused and prosecution on sentence punishment will be imposed i.e, fine or imprisonment or both.



The Principal purpose of a civil court is to determine the existence of right in favour of plaintiff and liability on part of the defendant. In order to establish his right plaintiff has to set out his grievance by way of plaint. Plaint is a statement of allegation setting out right of the plaintiff by way of facts and its violation by defendant and as such making a request to court to grant relief in the favour of the plaintiff and against the defendant.

On receipt of plaint, the court would allot a number to it and issue summons to defendant. The defendant by way of written statement makes out his version. On a comparative reading of both, if there is any variance court would settle issues for trial and finally on completion of trial, the court soon after hearing the parties pronounces judgment and it is followed by a decree. The party who suffers decree shall oblige the same and in the event of its default, execution proceedings can be initiated. Apart from this main course there are many intermediate and incidental proceedings would run parallel during the pendency of the main suit and they are called as Interlocutory proceedings.  In this course we study all those important issues and stages from practical angle with the aid of money suit and injunction suit.     Due to paucity of time this course deals only about money suit and permanent injunction suit.



Adjudicatory Process – Civil Suit                                                                                       CIVIL 
Method of addressing grievance  & rules relating to itEvery suit commences by presentation of plaint. In common law tradition they are numbered as Original suits and whereas in Civil law tradition they are called Original Petitions. Every Plaint must satisfy the rules laid down under OVI and VII of CPC and Chapter I of Civil Rules of Practise. All these rules talk about mode and manner of drafting plaint and contents of plaint.
SummonsChapter VII of Civil Rules of Practise talks about how to serve summons and the contents of summons and the duties of process server in the event of person over whom process to be served.
Opportunity to other sideOVIII Written statement talks about the about mode and manner of drafting written statement and its contents.
Effort to resolve amicablyIn view of S.89 CPC, Since 2002 it is the duty of the court if there exist elements of a settlement which may be acceptable to the parties to refer them to  Arbiration or Concilation or Judicial settlement by formulating the terms of settlement.
Fixing up disputed questionOn receipt of plaint and written statement court will come to material facts and law over which parties at variance as such OXIV mandates framing of issues by Court. Even Rule.106 of the Civil Rules of Practise talks about the same.
Evidence & marking of documentsGenerally Plaintiff is directed adduce evidence and the mode of recording of evidence and they name through which he is referred is mentioned in R.95 and R.113 and 115 of the Civil rules of Practise. O.18 R.9 of CPC talks about recording of evidence. (Objection w.r.t to production of secondary & unstamped documents)
Submitting argumentsRight averred in the plaint and evidence disclosed in support of it coupled with law called as Argument.
DecreeThe operative portion of judgment
JudgmentThe grounds on which decree is passed
ExecutionO21 CPC and  Chapter 16 of Civil rules of Practise
Filing appealChapter 13 of Civil rules of Practise and S.96 to 112 talks about appeals.



IA Process                                            CIVIL 
Filing PetitionIt is governed by Chapter IV and V of civil rules of practise.
CounterOpposite party has a right to oppose it and it can be followed by an inquiry
OrderDisposal of petition
EnforcementS.151 CPC



Writ                                             WRIT  
Filing PetitionWrit Petition Notice for admission or admit for notice and asking for counter. It is governed by Writ proceeding rules of each High court and in the absence of any such rule CPC applies.
CounterFiling Counter and matter will be posted for final hearing and as there are no disputed factual questions (generally).
Order & EnforcementDisposal of petition  and Contempt of court




    Scene-I:  Around thirty years back in Shameerpet village there used to be two friends by name Ram and Krish. They had their schooling and Inter together at Shameerpet Village. With the passage of time they became thick friends so much so that there is hardly a moment when they are not together. In fact there is hardly a man unknown of their intimate friendship and concern for each other.

Scene-II: Ram and Krish upon completion of 10+2 wrote NALSAR CET-2003. In the said CET though Ram got seat but krish failed to. Hence, Krish is constrained to undertake and complete his Law Graduation at Mathma Gandhi College, Hyderabad. Soon after completing the law, both of them enrolled as advocates.

Scene-III: As Ram got campus placement, he joined in a Corporate situated at Delhi and started drawing Rs.50,000/-(Rupees Fifty thousand only) per month.  Since Krish attempts to get a job yielded no result, having left with no alternative, he started practicing as an advocate at Jr.Civil Judge Court, Medchal.

Scene-IV: Krish journey as a young advocate as unsupported by any sort of background it was very tough. In fact he finds it difficult to get even five thousand per month. As the days rolled off, during the year 2009 a good match came to Krish sister and mantle of responsibility to perform her marriage fell upon Krish.

Scene-V:  Since, money is an immediate solution, though krish made an attempt to secure the same, his efforts are unfruitful. As usually for 2009 Diwali festival, Ram came down to Shameerpet and met his friend Krish. Krish reluctantly informed the Ram the pressing financial need. Upon receiving such request, Ram without hesitation decided to lend money to him besides unfolding his philosophy of helping near & dear.

Scene-VI: Accordingly, Ram lent an amount of Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees one lakh) on 2.10.2009 at Shameerpet by way of hand loan by withdrawing thirty thousand from HDFC and ICIC Accounts and Forty thousand from Indian bank account. At that time Krish executed a demand promissory note for an amount of Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees one lakh) @ 2% per month interest. The same is scribed by Sarpach who happened to be their school friend.

Scene-VI: With the passage of time Ram needs and responsibilities multiplied but not his income. Further in the month of Jan 2011, the untimely operation which has to be done to mother of Ram necessitated Ram to search for funds.

Scene-VII: At this junction Ram having learnt that due to construction of outer ring road near Shammerpet village, Krish made good money in a land deal, hence, requested Krish to return the amount. Krish though promised to return the same within a day or two, later stopped attending his call. Despite Ram’s best efforts to communicate Krish including through village Sarpanch, it yielded no result.

Scene-VIII:  Ram at the request of friends and well wishers constrained to issue legal notice on 11.11.2011 by way of Registered post. In response to it, Krish gave a reply notice disputing all the contentions besides stating that pronote is a forged one and executed without consideration and there is no necessity for him to execute pronote.  Having aghast with this kind of response and having learnt that time is running out to make a legal claim, his family and friends insisted to file a money suit. At last, Ram decided to file a suit for one lakh(without interest) on 02.01.2012.


It is evident from previous chapters that our justice system is premised on existence of right or liability.  It means one can approach court if his right is violated or about to be violated.  It is to be noted that approaching court doesn’t mean physical appearance. In adversarial method of adjudication, the role of judge is not active but to act upon version placed on either side.  It shall be reminded that reporting grievance and getting remedy from the court is not a post man job or message transmitter affair.   It is a multifarious activity and for this reason the activity of placing of version of the client before the court and getting remedy from the court is called as science and art of highest grade.  This seemingly simplified activity involves variety of duties and following few are amongst them:

 1) Conversion of human problem into a legal problem.

 2) Knowledge and wisdom in application of laws to the real human problems to get the desired result.

 3) Skill of ascertaining facts through the client so as to bring them within or outside the fold of right or offence and ability of processing in the court of law so as to prove or disprove it.

 4) Proving or disproving the case with legally relevant and admissible evidence with utmost credibility with the aid of competent persons.

 5) Coordinating and convincing various individuals including judge to reach our goal. It is quite often told that in our justice system 90% of the fate of our case depends upon judge and 9% upon facts and remaining 1% law.

 6) In this entire long drawn process ensuring and sustaining the faith of the client about the possibility of securing justice is also a tough challenge.


It is crystal clear from the above that system demands great many things from the trial lawyer.  Of which, understating human being stands first and the reason he is meant to resolve human problems with the aid of other imperfect and self-centered human beings.  It must be mentioned that before we understand others, we shall understand ourselves.   We must have clear idea about ourselves i.e, our strengths and limitations i.e, personality and landscape with which we have to operate. It helps us identify defects and develop necessary skills and knowledge. If we don’t understand our defects, it will be magnified by opposite party and he will take manifold advantage and ultimately we do more harm and injustice to cause of our party.  In this connection it must be noted that in the modern age the war zone is converted into court room.   As such in accessibility to justice is a serious threat to harmonious, peaceful co-existence and vibrant democracy.   The reason is person whose right is not remedied would wish to his resolve problem by illegal means and if this remains unchecked chaos and confusion would become order of the day and finally it would turn into revolution. All the above suggests successful democracy mandates lawyer with astounding personality, skills, values and qualities.  Now let us turn to those qualities:  

Client interaction, Choosing Legal forum, Art of Drafting, Art of Adducing evidence and conducting Cross-examination, Art of submitting arguments, Attitude towards Judge, Art of dealing with colleague lawyers & Bar, Art of Handling Court staff and others, Art of handling Case, Reading and Organizing Case file and reading court docket.


Well begin is half done. Lawyer’s job is a matter of trust. The first task of a lawyer shall be to ensure long lasting faith in the mind of client about his ability and integrity in discharging duties.

 Make out a case:  The first duty of a lawyer is to make out a case. The term making out a case means converting wounded human emotion into a legally remedied solution.  To put it otherwise, court is meant to solve only legal problems. It means those emotions which resulted violation of legal rights declared by law of the land can only be resolved by courts.  For this purpose lawyer shall have clarity about various legal rights and duties especially those which are more frequently violated in the area of his practice and place of practice.  Further, it is the duty of the advocate to ascertain from the client various tools that would aid the proof of the violation of legal right or duty.

 Knowledge of law and Law of evidence: In order to do make out a proper case and ensure success lawyer must have a grand idea about various rights under which problem of the client falls and various institutions that redress the legal grievances. More importantly robust understanding of law of evidence is very essential. The reason is facts can be proved before court with relevant and admissible facts.

Creating proper climate:  It means client must come out with facts (logical or illogical) so that client can speak anything without any hesitation or fear in mind so much so that as if he is speaking to himself. A lawyer can ensure such mental climate if he possesses personality of accepting peaks and depths, summits and shallows, which are quite common in any one’s life. In other words lawyer shall not be an either a condemner of vices or virtues in a human being.  Further, every lawyer in India must know that no person approach a client unless he has a genuine grievance.  A comment made by well known scholar that in India docket exclusion is more than docket explosion fortifies this fact.  It must also be mentioned that person approaches a Lawyer only when his beliefs, values and feelings are wounded and soul is disturbed though what actually he lost and seeking for is in terms of material terms (property or liberty or remedial action). Therefore, it is all the more important for a lawyer possess empathy, impeccable integrity, ability, courage and court craft so to give relief to his clients. This would help to properly present grievance or provide effective defense.

Good listener:  To properly appreciate the violation of legal right or duty, lawyer has to be good listener.  The term good listener means giving a patient hearing and properly understands the facts narrated by the client. In fact a patient hearing also gives a soothing touch to wounded soul and a mental relief. It is not advisable for a lawyer to hear facts with an ear of critique or commentator. Listening patiently and understanding rightly would not solve the problem advocate must express his doubts genuinely and clarify missing links honestly so as to remedy the grievance through the process of law.   It must be noted that any question lawyer puts shall be such that they are only meant to elicit further details and drive the client to come out with true facts.

 Note taking: Lawyer shall jot down the entire important points client spells out in the course of interaction. The lawyer for this purpose shall maintain diary. This sort of activity encourages client to come out with more facts and enhance faith in the lawyer.

 Conclusion:  All these qualities and skills would enable lawyer acquire a vision how take the case to its logical end. If client can perceive these things in his advocate a sort of confidence, if not love, develop so much so that client doesn’t mind, even if case is lost. After all, success or failure at court of justice depends on variety of factors not only on advocate skills and knowledge alone.





What is Advocacy?

Ans: It is an art of convincing. It is simply a competition in persuasion. The synonyms of term convince are: influence, seduce, compel, forceful, believe, persuade, realistic, true to life.


What is Trial Advocacy?

Ans: Trial refers to adjudicating a fact. At trial court, the job of an advocate is to prove or disprove a fact.  This mandates presentation of grievance, proving it.


What is power? What are various kinds of power?

Ans: The ability to influence other man is called power.  The Power can be Legal, social, economical, cultural, moral, opinion, psychological etc.,


What is Politics?

Ans: Politics as a term is generally applied to the art or science of running governmental or state affairs. It consists of “social relations involving authority or power” and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.


What is office Politics?

Ans: Office politics or Workplace or organizational politics is “the use of one’s individual or assigned power within an employing organization for the purpose of obtaining advantages beyond one’s legitimate authority.” It is a pursuit of individual agendas and self interest without regard to their effect on the organization’s efforts to achieve its goals. Some of the personal advantages may include access to tangible assets, or intangible benefits such as status or pseudo-authority that influences the behavior of others. Both individuals and groups may engage in Office Politics.” “Self-serving political actions can negatively influence our social groupings, cooperation, information sharing, and many other organizational functions. Thus, it is vital to pay attention to organizational politics and create the right political landscape. “Politics is the lubricant that oils your organization’s internal gears.” Office politics is also described as “simply how power gets worked out on a practical, day-to-day basis.”

Society Power BOX – 1850:

 The Executive has a dominating power – Indian Civil service.Legislature
Political parties
Dominating Caste groups

Society Power BOX – 1950

   In view of Constitution Executive became subordinate to Legislature and Judiciary. As such, Executive dominating power diluted, it shared power with remaining institutions.Legislature
Political parties
Dominating Caste groups


   Society Power BOX – 2000

 Legislature Executive
Political parties Panchayat Raj Institutions Women Groups
Dominating Caste groupsAll kinds of caste Groups



Court Power BOX – 1850 to 1970

Court Staff
Prosecutor/Police/ Government Pleader
Appellate/Superior Courts
Bar Association



Court Power BOX -1980 to 2012

Court Staff
Prosecutor/Police/ Government Pleader /Media/Political groups
Appellate/Superior Courts
Bar Association and caste groups


Note:  Many times there will be variation power exercise by one actor over other basing on the actors’ individual strengths and weakness. The above table’s only give general and rough picture about various players in the system and quantum of influence they used to exercise during various times over the outcome of the decision.

Now the question is How to be Successful Player in the game of Power?


What is Personality?

Ans: The only answer is having a right Personality. The Personality is the particular combination of qualities, skills, values, emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. If you deficit of any of them develop and if you have them already, upgrade them as there is no end for sharpening personality.