All posts by Palsar

MOCK TESTS – I & II (Revised KEY)



 1. Temporary injunction may be granted :-
(a) To restrain any election
(b) To restrain dispossession from property
(c) To restrain any intended disciplinary action against public servant
(d) To restrain the result of any adverse entry against the public servant

2. What is the time limit to for respondent to file cross objections from the day of service of the notice of the hearing of appeal?
(a) In 15 days       (b) In one month    (c) In 45 days   (d) In 21 days

3. Amongst the following one is not a movable property under section 22 I.P.C.?
(a) Soil (b) Cheque    (c) Tree   (d) Fish in a tank 

4.What is not correct about the self defence :-
(a) Nothing is offence which is done in exercise of right of private defence.
(b) Right of private defence is extended to causing death in the case of robbery
(c) Right of private defence is extended to causing death in defamation case.
(d) There is no right of private defence, if there is time to have recourse to the protection of public authorities.

5. A instigates B to murder C, B refuses to do so :-
(a) B is guilty of abetment                    (b) A is guilty of abetment of murder
(c) A & B both are guilty of abetment  (d) None of the above 

6. Y holds Z down and fraudulently takes Z’s money from Z’s clothes without Z’s consent. Y has committed.
(a) Theft                                                                 (b) Extortion
(c) Dishonest misappropriation of property           (d) Robbery

7. Which ingredient is not essential for Rioting?
(a) Unlawful assembly of five or more persons
(b) Common object of the unlawful assembly as specified u/s 141
(c) Accused joined or continued in such unlawful assembly
(d) There must be definite disturbance of the public peace on public place

8.Minimum sentence for ‘Ten years imprisonment’ is necessary for which of these offences?
(a) Section 326 voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapon
(b) Section 376(2) g Gang rape
(c) Section 395 Dacoity
(d) Section 409 Criminal breach of trust by a public servant 

9.A without any excuse fires a gun shot into a crowd of persons and kills two of them – A is guilty of :-
(a) Murder – section 302    (b) Causing death by negligence – section 304(A)
(c) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder -section 304   (d) No offence 

10.A is accused of rape. What defense is permissible to him according to law :-
(a) They love each other and want to marry            (b) He lost his control under circumstances
(c) She Consents to the act of sexual intercourse  (d) None of the above

11. What punishment may be awarded for the offence voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant force his duty u/s 332.P.C.?
(a) Imprisonment upto three years and fine or both    (b) Imprisonment upto five vears and fine or both
(c) Imprisonment upto seven years and fine or both  (d) Imprisonment upto ten years and fine or both

 12.A makes an attempt to steal some jewels by breaking open a box and finds there no jewel in it, A is guilty of attempt of theft. What punishment may be awarded to him :-
(a) The same punishment as for theft
(b) One half of the term of imprisonment provided for the offence of theft or with such fine as provided for the offence or with both
(c) Express provision is provided for punishment “Attempt to Theft” in Indian Penal Code  (d) Only Fine

13.What ingredient is not necessary for the offence punishable under section 279 I.P.C. (Rash driving on public way)
(a) Driving of Vehicle   (b) On a Public way
(c) Such driving must be so rash or negligent as to endanger human life  (d) Persons were on road

 14.A and B agree to fence with each other for amusement. A while playing fairly hurts B:-
(a) A is liable for Voluntarily causing hurt   (b) A is liable for assault
(c) A has committed no offence  (d) A is liable to compensate B
15.What offence is bailable ?
(a) Mentioned as bailable offence in I Schedule of Cr.P.C.
(b) All cases of summon’s trial
(c) All non-cognizable offences
(d) All cases which are not triable by session

 16. A Patient in lunatic asylum, who is at intervals of sound mind.
(a) May not Contract              (b) May contract
(c) May contract during those intervals when he of sound mind.
(d) May contract only after he becomes completely of sound mind.

 17.Who may claim for maintenance under section 125 of Cr.P.C?
(a) Wife who has her own source of income  (b) Illegitimate minor child
(c) Married daughter                          (d) Brother and Sister
 18.A minor girl lived with her father at Hyderabd, she became intimate with the accused and ran away with the accused from Hyderabad  to Warangal in a taxi. After some time they eventually settled in Nalgonda. An offence of kidnapping may be tried.
(a) at Hyderabad               (b) at Warangal   (c) at Nalgonda  (d) at any place mentioned above

19.Who may record a confessional statement under section 164 Cr.P.C.?
(a) Police Officer    (b) Executive Officer  (c) Judicial Magistrate who has jurisdiction only
(d) Any Judicial Magistrate

 20.Who may complain for Bigamy u/s 494 Cr.P.C.?
(a) Mother, Father, Brother or sister on behalf of wife
(b) Police    (c) Any Social institute    (d) None of the above

21. The presumption for an ancient document u/S.90 extends to…

(a) Contents of the Document    (b) Execution of the document   (c) A & B   (d) None


  1. Where no sum is expressed to which a fine may extend there the amount of fine to which the offender may be liable will bet-
    (a) Not exceeding rupees fifty thousand (b) Not exceeding rupees twenty five thousand
    (c) Not exceeding rupees ten lakh (d) Unlimited but not excessive

 23.When a surety to a bond dies before the bond is forfeited, the liability in respect of bond.
(a) Shall not be discharged.   (b) Shall be discharged.
(c) Court has discretion to remit any portion.  (d) There is no provision.

  1. Minimum number of persons required to commit an affray is :-
    (a) Five (b) Two (c) Ten    (d) Eleven 25.Appeal in case of acquittal by a Magistrate may lie in ?
    (a) High Court    (b) Sessions Court   (c) C.J.M’s Court  (d) No appeal lie 26.What is the time limit in sec. 468 Cr.P.C. for taking congnizance in a case of 498A IPC?
    (a) Six months   (b) One Year (c) Three years  (d) No limit 27.What is the meaning of “Not proved” under Evidence Act?
    (a) Fact does not exist, (b) Non-existence probable,  (c) Court has doubt,
    (d) Neither proved nor disproved.

     28.A is accused of the murder of B by beating him. What is not relevant piece of  evidence?
    (a) Whatever was said by A or B or by slanders at the time of beating
    (b) A has intention for murder of B.  (c) Marks on the ground of struggle between A to B.
    (d) A is a man of bad character.29.Facts not otherwise become relevant if they are inconsistent or makes highly probable any fact-in-issue or a relevant fact.
    (a) Cannot be relevant                          (b) Relevant u/s 11 of Rvidence Act
    (c) Relevant u/s 9 of Evidence Act      (d) Relevant u/s 7 o f Evidence Act

 30.A rustic woman in apprehension of assault and maltreatment makes a confession for murder of her mother-in-law at the village panchayat. whether this confession is relevant?
(a) As extrajudicial confession         (b) Can’t be proved due to involuntariness
(c) As a supporting evidence to the fact deposed by the witness  (d) Partly admissible

 31.Provisions sec. 32(1) of Evidence Act are attracted, where what is not true ?
(a) The cause of death is required to be ascertained  (b) The deceased statement is related to the cause of death
(c) To circumtances connected with death  (d) Verbal statement is not relevant, it must be in writing

 32.What type of Secondary evidence relating to public documents may be given ?
(a) Oral evidence about contents  (b) Certified copy of the document
(c) Photostat copy              (d) Written admission

 33.What is not true about the mode of proof for a will ?
(a) One attesting witness at least to be examined
(b) Not necessary to call any attesting witness if will has been registered

(c) No proof required if it is admitted by an heir of the executants
(d) Where attesting witness not found handwriting of attesting witness and signature of executant must be proved

 34.Execution of document may be presumed if the document is to be old :-
(a) Ten years   (b) Twenty years   (c) Thirty years   (d) Forty years

35.Who may not testify :-
(a) An accomplice   (b) Child   (c) Dumb person
(d) Lumatic – who is unable to understand question and to give a rational answer

 36.What is not true ?
(a) Witness may be cross-examined as to previous statement in writing
(b) Leading question may be asked in cross-examination
(c) Person called to produce document can be cross-examined

(d) Party calling the witness may cross-examine him with the permission of Court

 37.What are privileged Document :-
(a) Statement in department enquiry
(b) Any communications between Chief Minister and Governor of State
(c) The accident register kept by a medical practitioner
(d) A defamatory imputation about a person in the instructions to an advocate


38.Civil death may be presumed if it is proved that one has not been heard of for by person who would have naturally heard of him :-
(a) 10 years   (b) 20 years .   (c) 12 years   (d) 7 years

39. An agent can be appointed by:-
(a) A minor of sound mind                 (b) A major of sound mind
(c) Any person of sound mind         (d) Any major of sound or unsound mind

40.In a pledge ownership of property or goods:-
(a) continued in pledgor  (b) transferred to the pledge   (c) cannot be transferred to pledgee under any circumstances (d) Cannot continue with pledger under any circumstances

41.Novation of a contract means:-
(a) Renewal of original contract   (b) Substitution of a new contract in place of original contract
(c) Alternation of contract   (d) Recision of Contract
42.A decree can be :-
(a) Preliminary   (b) Final   (c) First preliminary then final   (d) Either preliminary or final

43.Mohan residing in Mumbai beats Sohan in Delhi, Sohan may sue Mohan:-
(a) Only in Mumbai   (b) Only in Delhi   (c) Either in Mumbai or in Delhi  (d) None of these

44.Principle of res judicata applies :-
(a) To suits only   (b) To execution proceedings only   (c) To arbitration proceedings only
(d) To suits as well as execution proceedings

45.In case of failure of filing the written statement within thirty days, the defendant can be allowed to file the same on such other day specified by the court for reasons recorded in writing which shall not be later than:-
(a) 45 days   (b) 60 days  (c) 90 days  (d) 120 days of summons

  1. Where immovable property is transferred for consideration by persons having distrinct interest therein, but their interests in the property are of equal value, the transferor are :-
    (a) Entitled to get equal share in the consideration
    (b) Entitled to get unequal share in the consideration
    (c) Entitled to get equal share subject to further transfers in future
    (d) None of the above47.Rule of lis pendents is applicable to suits for specific performance of contracts to transfer the immovable property. This statements is :-
    (a) False (b) True   (c) Partly true  (d) Depends on the facts of each case 48.In case of transfer of property the seller is :-
    (a) not entitled to rents and profits
    (b) entitled to rents and profits of the property till the ownership there of passed to buyer.
    (c) Entitled to rents and profits forever  (d) None of the above

49.Compounding of offence under the provisions of criminal procedure code results in that criminal case :-
(a) Acquittal of accused   (b) Discharge of accused
(c) Acquittal only if the chaerges have been framed  (d) Discharge only if the charges have been framed

50.Period of limitation to take cognizance of an offence punishable for a term more than three years imprisonment is:-
(a) 90 days   (b) One years   (c) Three years  (d) No period of limitation is prescribed

51.A disputed handwriting can be proved :-
(a) By calling an expert
(b) By examining a person acquainted with the handwriting of the writer of the questioned document
(c) Comparison of the two, admitted and disputed documents   (d) All of the above


52.A transfers Rs. 5000 to B on condition that he shall marry with the consent of C, Dand E dies. B marries with the consent of C and D, it is deemed that :-
(a) B has fulfilled the condition    (b) B has not fulfilled condition
(c) Condition became void   (d) Condition became Illegal

53. Among one is wrong?                                                                                                                           a) Agreement restraining trade is void. b) Agreement restraining marriage is void.                     b) Bilateral mistake makes agreement void d) None is wrong

 54. A Hindu who has separted from his father B sells to C three fields X, Y and Z representing that A is authorised to transfer these fields Z does not belong to A but on B’s death A as heir obtains Z, C did not rescind the contract :-
(a) Contract became infructuous   (b) C may require A to deliver Z to him
(c) Contract is void   (d) Contract is unenforceable

 55. Under section 80 of Civil Procdure Coder-
(a) Ninety days   (b) Sixty days  (c) Three months
(d) Two months notice in writing is required to be delivered before institution of a suit against the Government.

56.Transfer of Property pending suit thereto the transfer shall be:-
(a) Void    (b) Affected subject to the decree or order of the court  (c) Illegal (d) infructuous

 57.What is not correct – the liabilities of the seller is that he is :-
(a) to disclose to the buyer any material defected in the property
(b) to produce to the buyer for examination all documents of title relating to the property
(c) not to answer to the best of his information all the relevant questions put to him by the buyer in respect of the title
(d) to give possession to the buyer as its nature admits

 58.Where the principal money secured is 100 rupees a mortgage other than a mortgage by deposit of title deeds, what is not correct about it :-
(a) Must be signed by the mortgagor   (b) Must be attested by at least two witnesses
(c) Can be affected by at by oral agreement   (d) Must be by a registered instrument

 59.Mortgaged property in possession of the martagagee has, during the continuance of the mortgage received any accession upon redemption in the absence of a contract to the contrary, who shall be entitled to such accession?
(a) Mortgagee    (b) Mortgagor   (c) Mortgagee and mortgagor in equal share  (d) None of the above

 60.A lease of immoveable property does not determine:-
(a) By efflux of the time limited thereby   (b) on death of the lessor  (c) By surrender
(d) Where such time is limited conditionally on the happening of some event by the happening of such time.

 61.A made a gift of property to B before acceptance by B, A dies. Gift is :-
(a) Legal   (b) Illegal   (c) Void  (d) Voidable

62.A owes money to B who transfers the debt to C, B then demands the debt from A who not having received notice of the transfer as prescribed in section 131 of the T.P.Act 1882 pays B The payment is:-
(a) Legal   (b) Illegal   (c) Enforceable   (d) Not enforceable

63.The agreement which is not enforceable legally is called:-
(a) Voidable   (b) Void   (c) Illegal  (d) Voidable Contract

 64.A agrees to sell a horse worth Rs. 1000 for Rs. 10 A’s consent to the agreement was freely given. The agreement is :-
(a) Voidable   (b) Void  (c) Contract  (d) Illegal

 65. One of the following ingredients is not necessary for contract :-
(a) Proposal   (b) Acceptance   (c) Consideration  (d) Immovable Property

 66. The following agreements remain valid even though there is no consideration.                                                                                                                                  (a) Agency  (b) Promise to pay Time barred debt   (c) Promise to pay for past voluntary services    d) All the above

 67.A intending to deceive B falsely represents that five hundred tons of indigo is made annually at A’s factory and thereby induce B to buy the factory The contract is :-
(a) Void   (b) Voidable at the option of A   (c) Voidable at the option of B  (d) Illegal

 68.A promises to maintain B’s child. B Promises to pay A Rs. 1000 yearly for the purpose. The consideration is:-
(a) Lawful   (b) Unlawful   (c) No consideration  (d) None of these

69.A agrees to sell to B a hundred tons of oil. There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is :-
(a) Voidable   (b) Void  (c) Enforceable (d) Non-enforceable

 70.A agrees to pay B a sum of money, if B marries C, C marries D. The agreement is:- (a) Void  (b) Voidable   (c) Legal  (d) Illegal

 71.A Promises to paint a picture for B within 10 days at a price of Rs. 1000 A dies before the days. The contract is :-
(a) Enforceable   (b) Non-enforceable  (c) Voidable  (d) Void

72.A contracts to sing for B at a concert for Us. 1000 which are paid in advance. A is too ill to sing. Then :-
(a) A must refund to B Rs. 1000 paid in advance   (b) A must not refund to B Rs. 1000 paid in advance (c) B can receive compensation from A  (d) None of the above

73.A, a tradesman leaves his goods at B’s house by mistake B uses the goods as his own. Then :-
(a) B need not pay to A, provided it is gratuitous act
(b) B is bound to pay A, provided it is non-gratuitous act
(c)  A and B are right
  (d) None of the above

74.A witness who is unable to speak, gives his evidence by writing in Open Court, Evidence so given shall be deemed to be :-
(a) Oral    (b) Documentary   (c) Primary  (d) Secondary
75.A person summoned to produce a document when produces the document then:-
(a) He becomes a witness  (b) He is cross-examined by both the parties
(c) He is cross-examined with the permission of the court (d) He does not become witness and cannot be cross-examined unless and until he is called as a witness

76.Any questions suggesting the answer which the person putting it wishes or expects to receive is called :- (a) Indecent question   (b) Scandalous question  (c) Question intended to annoy (d) Leading question

77.Provisions of Transfer of property Act shall be applicable :-
(a) Where property is transferred in execution of decree of the court
(b) Where the property of insolvent vests in Receiver by the order of the court
(c) Where the property is transferred by the act of parties  (d) To intestate succession

 71.’Attested’ in relation to an instrument means and shall be deemed always to have been attested by the least :-(a) One witness  (b) Two witnesses  (c) Three witnesses  (d) Four witnesses

 72.To be competent to transfer property it is not essential that:-
(a) Person be major  (b) Person be sound mind  (c) Person is competent to contract
(d) Transferable property is his own

73.How many types of mortgages are there in section 58 to Transfer of property act?  (a) Four  (b) Five   (c) Six  (d) Seven

74.What is not required in Gift?
(a) Donor and donee   (b) Consideration  (c) Moveable or immoveable property (d) Transfer and acceptance

75.For the purpose of making a gift of immoveable property the transfer must be affected :-
(a) By delivery of possession
(b) By aregistered instrument signed by or on behalf of the donor and duly attested
(c) By simple instrument  (d) By simple instrument accompained by delivery of possession

77.A gift comprising both existing and future property:- (a) Is void  (b) Is valid         (c) Is void as to the existing property  (d) Is void to the future property 

  1. Amongst the one is wrong a) Minor can be agent b) Agency requires no consideration c) Generally agency can be revoked d) None


79.Which of the following statements is correct in relation to sub-agent?
(a) He is employed by the prinicipal in the business of the agency.
(b) He is employed by the original agent in the business of the agency.
(c) He acts under the control of the principal.
(d) The agent is not responsible to principal for the acts of the sub-agent

80.A gives authority to B to sell A’s land and to pay himself out of the proceeds, the debts due to him from A. In the adsence of an express contract.
(a) A can revoke this authority
(b) Authority can be terminated by the insanity of A
(c) Authority can be terminated by the death of A
(d) A cannot revoke this authority, nor can it be terminated by his death of insanity.  

81.In reference of District court which one of the following statements is not correct?   (a) It can transfer any suit, appeal or other proceeding pending before it for trial to any court subodinate to it and competent to try or dispose of the same.                                       (b) It can withdraw any suit and appeal or other proceeding pending in any court subordinate to it. (c) It can try or dispose of the suit, appeal or other proceeding withdrawn from any court subordinate to it or it may transfer the same for trial or disposal to some other court subordinate to it and competent to try of dispose of the same.                                            (d) It cannot retransfer any suit, appeal or other proceeding to the court from which it was withdrawn.

82.Under S.34 of CPC,1908, Court can award interest from the date of decree to the date of payment or such earlier date as the court thinks fit. Rate of such interest shall not exceed…….. per annum.
(a) Nine percent  (b) Ten percent  (c) Six percent  (d) Twelve percent

83.Any amount which a court will order to be paid as compensatory costs in respect of false or vexatious claims or defences, shall not exceed the amount of-
(a) Two thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction.
(b) Three thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction whichever is less.
(c) Four thousand rupees or the amount within its pecu-niaryjurisduction, whichever is less.
(d) Five thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisduction, whichever is less.

84.During the proceeding of execution of a decree, a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the representative of a party such question shall be determined by:-
(a) The court which passed the decree   (b) The court executing the decree
(c) The appellate court  (d) A separate suit

85.A judgment debtor is arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money and the judgement-debtor pays the amount of the decree and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer :-
(a) Shall send the judgment debtor to civil prison.  (b) Shall take judgment debtor to the court.
(c) Shall at once release him.  (d) Shall release him after taking security from him.

86.A leaves a cow in the custody of B to be taken care of. The cow has a calf. In the absence of any contract to the contrary.
(a) B is bound to deliver only the cow to A
(b) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow to A
(c) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow if he is paid half the price of the calf.
(d) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow if he is paid one third of the price of the calf.

87.Finder of a lost thing which is commonly the subject of sale, may sell it when the lawful charges of the finder, in respect of the thing found amount to.
(a) one fourth  (b) Half  (c) One third  (d) Two third of its value.


88.Aggrieved person may not apply for a review of an order or judgement of a Civil Court, on one of the following grounds :-
(a) A decree or order from which an appeal is allowed but from which no appeal has been preferred
(b) A decree or order is passed in the absence of aggrieved person
(c) A decree or order from which no appeal is allowed
(d) A decision on a reference from a court of small cause

 89.Order for disposal of property at conclusion of trial by Criminal Court. What is not correct :-
(a) By destruction  (b) By confiscation  (c) Delivery to any person claiming to be entitled to possession   (d) By declaration of title of any person to the ownership of property

 90.Judge has power to put question or order production of document, what is not true:-
(a) Parties shall not be entitled to make objection to any such question or order
(b) Parties shall be entitled to cross-examine the witness upon answer given in reply of such question as a right
(c) Without the leave of Court Party shall not be entitled to cross examine
(d) Judge shall not be entitled to compel any witness to answer or produce document which is refusablc u/s 121 to 131 Evidence Act.

91. Suit for partition of immovable property shall be instituted in the court where:-
(a) Plaintiff resides
(b) Plaintiff carries on his profession
(c) Subject matter is situated
(d) With the permission of the District Judge, in the Court
 92.Court may make order for the payment of Compensatory cost from any party submitting false, claim or defence :-
(a) upto Rs. 5000  (b) upto Rs.3000  (c) upto Rs. 1000  (d) Any amount without limit

 93.Question which shall be determined by the court executing decree :-
(a) Decree obtained by fraud
(b) Whether any person is or is not the representative of a party
(c) Decree obtained by Collusion  (d) None of these

 94.The property which is not liable to attachment and sale in execution of decree :-
(a) Government securities  (b) Promissory Note  (c) Books of Account (d) Bond

 95.Civil Court may not issue a commission :-
(a) to examine any person (b) to examine accounts  (c) to perform any ministerial Act (d) to arrest a person

96.Which of the following is not correct regarding powers of appellate court :-
(a) Have power to determine a case finally  (b) I lave power lo remand the case
(c) Not have power to lake additional evidence (d) It has power to frame issues and refer the matter for trial

 97.The plaint shall not be rejected in one of the following conditions :-
(a) Where it does not disclose a cause of action
(b) Where it is not submitted by an advocate
(c) Where the relief claimed is undervalued and it is not corrected after the order of Court
(d) Where the suit appears from the statement in the plaint to be barred by law.

 98.Auction purchaser shall pay full of purchase money :-
(a) Within 7 days   (b) Within 15 days   (c) within 21 days  (d) within 30 days

 99.Which one of the following is not essential condition for application of Res Judicata:-
(a) Previous suit was finally heard and decided by the Court of Competent Jurisdiction
(b) Previous suit must be pending before a Court
(c) Parties in previous and the subsequent suits must be the same
(d) Subject matter of previous and the subsequent suite must be the same

100.Proceeding in a suit, relating to minor shall not the stayed:-
(a) On retirement of the next friend of a minor  (b) On attaining the majority by the minor
(c) On removal of the next friend of a minor  (d) On death of the next friend of a minor.

**********************END OF MOCK TEST-I*******************************



 1.If in any case in which the defendant sets up counterclaim, the suit of the plaintiff is stayed, discontinued or dismissed to the counter claim:-
(a) Shall be stayed  (b) Nevertheless be proceeded with
(c) May be continued with the leave of High court  (d) No specific provision

 2.Where the decree is for the payment of sum of money exceeding five thousand rupees the period of civil prison :-
(a) Shall not exceed three months  (b) Shall not exceed six months
(c) Shall not exceed nine months  (d) Shall not exceed one year

3.Who among the following is not entitled to exemption from personal appearance in the court: –
(a) Former Indian Ruler  (b) Chairman of the state legislative councils
(c) The ministers of States (d) Collector

 4.Caveat shall not remain in force after expiry of :-
(a) Ninety days  (b) Sixty days  (c) Thirty days  (d) Fifteen days
 5.If a party who has obtained an order for leave to amend pleading does not amend the same within how many days, he shall not be permitted to do without leave of court:-
(a) Fifteen days   (b) Fourteen days  (c) Twenty days (d) Thirty days

 6.Where the plaint has been rejected the plaintiff on the same cause of action:-
(a) May present a fresh suit  (b) Cannot present a fresh suit
(c) May present a fresh suit with the leave of High court  (d) None of the above

 7.Where the suit is dismissed under rule 2 or 3 or order 9 CP.C. The plaintiff:-
(a) May bring a fresh suit subject to law of limitation
(b) Cannot bring a fresh suit  (c) May bring a fresh suit with the leave of High court
(d) May bring a fresh suit with the leave of District Judge
8.Y inserts his hand into the pocket of Z but the pocket was empty. Y is guilty of :-
(a) No offence as the offence was not completed  (b) Theft (c) Mischief  (d) Attempt to theft
 9.Where any property has been attached in execution of decree and the court, for any reason passes an order dismissing the execution application but omits to give any direction as to attachment:-
(a) Attachment shall be deemed to have ceased  (b) Attachment shall cease after three months   (c) Attachment shall cease after six months (d) Attachment shall cease after one year.

10.Where any party dies after conclusion and before pronouncing of Judgment:-
(a) The suit shall abate   (b) The suit shall not abate
(c) The suit shall not abet if cause of action survives
(d) It will be deemed that judgment has been pronounced after death of a party

 11.Where a decree of compromise which was not lawful, there :-
(a) Suit shall lie to set aside such decree  (b) Complaint has to made to High court
(c) No suit shall lie to set aside such decree
(d) Suit may lie to set aside such decree with the leave of District Judge

 12.Where an indigent person succeeds the court fee shall be recovered:-
(a) From the defendant  (b) From the State Government
(c) Not recoverable  (d) From the Plaintiff

13.An Attachment made before judgment in a suit which is dismissed for default:-
(a) Shall not become revived merely by reason of the fact the order for dismissal of the suit or default has set aside,
(b) Shall become revived merely on the basis of restoration of suit
(c) Shall become revived on the order of Appellate Court
(d) Shall become revived on the order of High Court.

 14.If the offence be punishable with fine only and accused has been awarded with fifty rupees fine the period of imprisonment in default shall:-
(a) Not exceeding one month  (b) Not exceeding two month
(c) Not exceeding three month  (d) Not exceeding four month

 15.A instigates B to give false evidence here, if B does not give false evidence what offence A has committed :-
(a) A is guilty of no offence  (b) Attempt to give false evidence
(c) Offence punishable with imprisonment of any description provided for that offence for a term which may extend to one-fourth part of the longest term provided for that offence and with fine.    (d) None of the above

 16.What punishment is provided for Dowry death:-
(a) Not loss than three years  (b) Not less than five years
(c) Not less than seven years and in rare circumstances may extent to death sentence
(d) Not less than seven years but which may extend to imprisonment for life


 17.Which is not the stolen property :-
(a) Possession whereof was obtained by cheating  (b) Possession whereof was obtained by robbery
(c) Possession whereof was obtained by dacoity  (d) Possession whereof was obtained by criminal breach of trust

 18.A Police officer arrested and detained a person in the lockup despite production of a bail order from the court Police officer is guilty of :-
(a) Wrongful restrain   (b) Wrongful confinement  (c) abduction  (d) Kidnapping

 19.What must be the age of a minor with regard to the offence of kidnapping:-
(a) Sixteen years   (b) Eighteen years
(c) Under sixteen years of age, if a male and under eighteen years of age, if a female
(d) Under twenty years of age, if a male and under eighteen years of age, if a female

 20.What is not correct about ‘Rape’:-
(a) Consent is immaterial if she is under 16 years of age  (b) Penetration is sufficient
(c) Intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age is not rape  (d) Death penalty may be awarded

 21.’A’ threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning ‘B’ unless ‘B’ gives him money. He thus induces ‘B’ to give him money. ‘A’ has commit-ted:-
(a) Extortion  (b) Defamation  (c) Criminal intimidation  (d) Robbery

 22.What is the offence preparation whereof is also punishable:-
(a) Theft  (b) Dacoity  (c) Murder  (d) Rape

 23.A makes an attempt to pick the pocket of B by thrusting his hand into B’s pocket. A fails in the attempt in consequence of B’s having nothing in his pocket. A is guilty of :-
(a) No offence  (b) Theft  (c) Attempt to theft  (d) Using criminal force

 24.A Voluntarily throws into a river a ring belonging to B with intention thereby causing wrongful loss to B, A has committed:- (a) Theft  (b) Extortion  (c) Robbery  (d) Mischief

 25.What punishment may be awarded to the person whose act is covered under general exceptions:-
(a) No punishment  (b) Half of the punishment prescribed for that offence
(c) One fourth of the punishment prescribed for that offence  (d) Depends upon discretion of the court.

 26.What sentence an Assistant Session Judge may award:-
(a) Life imprisonment
(b) Any sentence authorised by law except a sentence of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding ten years (c) Upto fourteen years (d) Upto twenty years

 27.A person arrested by a police officer may be kept in custody for :-
(a) Two days  (b) Three days  (c) Twenty four hours (d) One week
28.Now how much amount of monthly maintenance may be awarded in favour of a wife under section 125 of Cr.P.C.:-
(a) Three hundred rupees  (b) Four hundred rupees  (c) Five hundred rupees (d) No fixed limit
 29.In a first information an offence is cognizable and other is non-congnizable the whole case shall be deemed to be:-
(a) Cognizable  (b) Non-cognizable   (c) It is to be seen whether it is a warrant case (d) It is to be seen whether it is a summon case

 30.What is true about Court of Session:-
(a) It can take cognizance without commitment  (b) It cannot take cognizance without commitment
(c) It can take cognizance on the recommendation of District Magistrate
(d) It can take cognizance if the challan is put by the Superintendent of Police

 31. Section 164 Criminal Procedure Code provides a special procedure for recording of:-
(a) Confessions (b) Statements made during the course of investigation
(c) Confessions as well as statements made during the course of investigation
(d) Examination of witnesses by police

 32.How much punishment may be awarded to an accused who is found guilty under a summary trial :- (a) Not exceeding two years  (b) Not exceeding one years  (c) Not exceeding six months, (d) Not exceeding three months

33.Whether an accused may be a competent witness in his own defence :-
(a) If he applies in writing on his own request.
(b) No  (c) With the leave of Court of Session  (d) With the leave of High Court

 34.Whenever a Magistrate is of opinion, after hearing the evidence for prosecution and the accused, that the accused is guilty and that he ought to receive a severe punishment, then such Magistrate is empowered to inflict, the Magistrate may forward the case to:-
(a) Session Judge  (b) Chief Judicial Magistrate  (c) District Magistrate  (d) Concerned Police Station

 35.In one trial A is awarded with the sentence which is not appealable whereas sentence against B is appealable, Whether A can file an appeal against his sentence :-
(a) No  (b) Only with special leave  (c) Yes (d) There is no such provision

 36. Under the provisions of Section 125(4) Criminal Procedure code, who among the following cannot claim maintenance from her husband:-
(a) Wife herself earning money  (b) Wife living separately by mutual consent
(c) Woman, who has been divorced by her husband and has not remarried
(d) Woman, who has obtained divorce from her husband and has not remarried

 37.When can a trial court release an accused on bail under section 389(3) of Cr.P.C. after conviction:-
(a) Where accused is on bail and imprisonment is not exceeding 3 years
(b) Where accused is on bail and imprisonment is not exceeding 5 years
(c) Where accused is on bail and imprisonment is not exceeding 7 years
(d) Where offence is exclusively bailable whether accused is on bail or not

 38.What is effect of trial conducted in wrong place :-
(a) Vitiated itself  (b) Vitiated if caused failure of justice (c) Seriousness has to be seen
(d) Is to be referred to High court

 39.When will proceeding be vitiated if the Magistrate is not empowered to do so:-
(a) To issue a search warrant undre section 94 of Cr.P.C.
(b) To hold an inquest under section 176 of Cr.P.C.
(c) Tries an offender Summarily (d) To tender a pardon under section 306 of Cr.P.C.

 40. Jurisdiction to grant bail under section 438 of criminal procedure code vests with:-  (a) Only High Court  (b) Only Sessions Court  (c) Magistrate  (d) High Court or Court of Sessions

 41.A relevant confession will become irrelevant when :-
(a) Made to a police Officer  (b) Made under a promise of secrecy
(c) When the accused was drunk (d) In consequence of a deception practised on the accused

42.Admissions are :-  (a) Conclusive proof  (b) May operate as estoppels  (c) Always irrelevant (d) None of the above
43.A agrees, in writing to sell a horse to B for Rs. 1000 or Rs. 1500. To show which price was to be given:-
(a) Oral evidence can be given (b) Antecedents of the parties are to be seen
(c) Oral evidence cannot be given  (d) None of the above

 44.A is charged with travelling on a railway without a ticket. The burden of proving that A had a ticked is on :-
(a) Ticket Checker  (b) Railway  (c) A  (d) Prosecution

 45.What is provision about an Accomplice :-
(a) He is not a competent witness  (b) His evidence is irrelevant
(c) His evidence should be believed blindly (d) His evidence is neither illegal nor safe in view of S.114 and 13 3 of Evidence Act

46.What number of witnesses will be required for the proof of any fact :-
(a) No particular number (b) At least one eye-witness
(c) Two witnesses with regard to documents  (d) One party and one witness

 47.Leading question :-
(a) May be asked in examination in chief (b) May be asked in cross examination
(c) May be asked in re-examination  (d) Cannot be asked in any circumstances

 48.Which is not the main principle that underlines the law of evidence :-
(a) Evidence must be confined to the matter in issue (b) Hearsay evidence must not be admitted (c) Hearsay evidence must be admitted (d) The best evidence must be given in all cases

 49.A witness was asked whether he was not dismissed from a post for dishonesty. He denies it :-
(a) The evidence is admissible if it comes from plaintiff’s side
(b) The evidence is admissible if it comes defendant side
(c) The evidence is admissible  (d) The evidence is inadmissible

 50.When a party refuses to produce a document which he had notice to produce :-  (a) He cannot use the document as evidence without the consent of opposite party or the order of the court  (b) Objection of opposite is worthless (c) Order of court not necessary  (d) Document will be deemed to be an admitted document.

51.Under section 34 of civil procedure code, Court can award interest from the date of decree to the date of payment or such earlier date as the court thinks fit. Rate of such interest shall not exceed…….. per annum.
(a) Nine percent   (b) Ten percent   (c) Six percent  (d) Twelve percent

52.Any amount which a court will order to be paid as compensatory costs in respect of false or vaxatious claims or defences, shall not exceed the amount of-
(a) Two thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction.
(b) Three thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction whichever is less.
(c) Four thousand rupees or the amount within its pecu-niaryjurisduction, whichever is less.
(d) Five thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisduction, whichever is less.

53.During the proceeding of execution of a decree, a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the representative of a party such question shall be determined by:-
(a) The court which passed the decree  (b) The court executing the decree
(c) The appellate court  (d) A separate suit

54.A judgment debtor is arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money and the judgement-debtor pays the amount of the decree and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer :-
(a) Shall send the judgment debtor to civil prison.  (b) Shall take judgment debtor to the court.
(c) Shall at once release him.  (d) Shall release him after taking security from him.

55. Defendant in summary suit shall appear within ….days :–
(a) Thirty days  (b) Sixty days  (c) Ten days d) five days

56.A lets a house to B at a yearly rent of rupees five hundred. The rent for the whole of the years 1905,1906 and 1907 is due and unpaid, A sues B in 1908 only for the rent due for 1906 :-
(a) A can afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905
(b) A can afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1907
(c) A can afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905 and 1907 both
(d) A can not afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905 or 1907.


57.’A’ proposes by letter to sell a house to ‘B’ at a certain price. The communication of proposal is complete when :-
(a) ‘A’ puts letter in letter box  (b) ‘ B’ receives the letter 

(c) ‘ B’ puts reply in letter box  (d) ‘A’ receives reply of ‘B’

58.’A’ sells by auction to ‘B’ a horse which ‘A’ knows to be unsound. ‘A’ says nothing to ‘B’ about the horse’s un-soundness. A does :-
(a) Fraud  (b) Misrepresentation  (c) No fraud (d) Undue influence

59.After the passing of a decree for payment of money on the application of the judgement debtor, court shall not order that payment of the amount of decree shall be made by instalments :-
(a) Without recording evidence of both parties (b) Without obtaining affidavits from both parties
(c) Without obtaining the documents regading the financial condition of the judgement debtor
(d) Without the consent of decree-holder. 

60.A who is citizen of India commits murder in Uganda. He is arrested in Delhi. He can be tried and convicted of murder-                                                                            (a) Only in Uganda (b) Only in that country of which the deceased was a citizen  c) In any one of the above (d) In Delhi  

61.Which of the following punishments cannot be awarded under the Indian Penal code? (a) Forfeiture of property  (b) Imprisonment with hard labour (c) Transportation for life  (d) Death  

62.A  condition in gift depends upon the will of the donor is (a) Is void (b) Is valid (c) Is void as the existing property (d) Is void as the future property  

63.Where both parties are under mistake as to matter of fact, the agreement will be :- (a) Enforceable  (b) Voidable  (c) Not void  (d) Void

64.Which of the following statements is not correct:-
(a) No fact of which the court will take notice need be proved (b) Facts admitted need not be proved
(c) All facts and the contents of documents may be proved by oral evidence
(d) Oral evidence must be direct

65.A witness who is unable to speak, gives his evidence by writing in Open Court, Evidence so given shall be deemed to be :- (a) Oral evidence (b) Documentary evidence (c) Primary evidence (d) Secondary evidence

 66.What will be effect of mistakes at to law in force in India on the agreement :-
(a) Not voidable  (b) Voidable  (c) Void  (d) Not Void
 67.A Promises, for no consideration, to give to B Rs. 1000 This agreement is :-
(a) Voidable  (b) Void  (c) Enforceable  (d) Not enforceable not being in writing

 68.Agreements, the meaning of which is not certain or capable of being made certain are:-
(a) Voidable  (b) Ilegal  (c) Void (d) Enforceable

69.Where no application is made and no time is specified for performance of promise there the agreement be performed within :-
(a) Three years  (b) Two years  (c) One years  (d) Reasonable Time

 70.A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. This agreements is :-
(a) Void  (b) Voidable  (c) Enforceable  (d) Valid and enforceable in Bengal

71.In case of an alternative promise one branch of which is legal and the other illegal:-
(a) Both branches will be enforceable  (b) The legal branch alone can be enforced
(c) No branch is enforceable  (d) None of the above

 72.A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. Whether A is entitled for reimbursement from the property of B:-
(a) No  (b) Yes, if the value of property is more than one lakh (c) Yes  (d) None of the above
 73.A saves B’s property from fire, Circumstances show that he intended to act gratuitously, Whether A is entitled for compensation from B
(a) Yes  (b) Not from B, but from Government  (c) Not from B, but from his heirs (d) No

 74.A the captain of B’s ship, signs of bill of lading without having received on board the goods mentioned therin, As between B and pretended consignor is concerned the bill of lading are :-
(a) Void (b) Voidable  (c) Enforceable  (d) None of the above

 75. Dishonestly dealt under ……IPC (a) S.24 IPC b) S.23 IPC c) S.25 IPC d) S.26 IPC

  1. Fasli year begins :- (a) 1st January (b) 1st June (c) 1st July   (d) None
  2. Property can be transferred a) Orally b) Document c) Orally unless requires to be writing d) Choice of parties
  1. The Liability of surety arises: a) Failure of debtor b) co-extensive of debtor c) No liability d) none
  1. In Examination – in – chief Leading questions can be asked provided they are :-
    (a) Duly proved (b) Introductory (c) Undisputed   (d) All the above

80.On transfer for his benefit an unborn person acquires vested interest :-
(a) Upon his birth  (b) After one week of his birth

(c) After twelve days of his birth  (d) There is no such provision in law
81.Rule of lis pendents is applicable to suits for specific performance of contracts to transfer the immovable property. This statements is :-
(a) False  (b) True  (c) Partly true  (d) Depends on the facts of each case
82.In case of a gift if the donee must accept the gift: –
(a) During the life time of the donor  (b) He is competent to contract
(c) He must be have transferrable right over the property   (d) All the above
83.Transfer of property Act has no relation with:-
(a) Air  (b) Water  (c) Light (d) All of these

84.Fraudulent transfer is :-
(a) Void  (b) illegal  (c) Immoral  (d) Voidable

85.Sale is a transfer of ownership in exchange for a price:-
(a) paid  (b) promised  (c) part paid and part promised (d) all of the above

  1. Under Indian Evidence Act, a document required by law to be attested can be proved by calling :-
    (a) Both the attesting witnesses (b) At least one of the attesting witness
    (c) Any other person (d) A legal heir of the attesting witness

87.Which is not the immoveable property:-
(a) A lease of land (b) Growing crops (c) A right of way (d) A life interest in the income of immoveable property

 88.What kind of property is transferable :-
(a) Right to re-entry  (b) Public Office

(c) Any kind of property if not prohibited by law  (d) Pension

 89.What kind of transfer may be made orally :-
(a) Gift of immoveable property (b) Transfer of actionable claim
(c) Sale of immoveable property of value upward Rs. 100 (d) Surrender of lease

 90.Whether a transfer can be made in favour of an unborn person:-
(a) Yes, by machinery of trust  (b) yes  (c) Guardian has got to be appointed first
(d) None of the above

 91.When does an unborn person acquire vested interest on transfer :-
(a) As soon as he is born (b) On attaining majority (c) On attanining 21 years (d) After marriage, if female

92.A lets to B a farm on the condition that B shall walk 100 miles in an hour, Lease is :-
(a) Voidable  (b) Void  (c) Valid (d) Enforceable

 93.A has let his house at a rent of Rs. 100 payable on the last date of each month. A sells house to B on the 15th June. On 30th June what will be apportionment :-
(a) A will get Rs. 100  (b) B will get Rs. 100  (c) Rs.50 to A & Rs.50 to B
(d) The tenant will be exempted from payment of rent of that month

94.Which is not the ingredient of section 53(A) of T.P.Act :-
(a) Agreement for transfer  (b) Consideration (c) Transferee has performed his part
(d) Moveable property

95.Whether simple mortgage must always be registered:-
(a) Yes (b) If value of property is more than Rs. 100
(c) Registration not necessary (d) None of the above

96. Private alienation of attached property is (a) Void (b) Valid (c) Voidable (d) Discretion of the court

 97.In absence of contract or local law or usage to the contrary a lease of immoveable property shall be deemed to be…..  in case of agriculture leases:-
(a) Month to month  (b) Bimonthly  (c) Year to Year  (d) Biannual

 98.A gives a lakh of rupees to B, reserving to himself, with B’s assent the right to take back Rs. 10,000 at pleasure out of that amount This gift is :-
(a) Absolutely Valid  (b) Absolutely Invalid
(c) This cannot be said to a gift  (d) Holds good as to Rs. 90,000 but it is void as to Rs. 10,000

 99.In criminal proceeding the fact that the accused is of good character is :-
(a) Relevant  (b) Irrelevant  (c) Unrebuttable  (d) None of these

 100.What is the prescribed age to testify facts before court?  (a) 18 years   (b) No age is prescribed   (c) Seven years   (d) twenty one
*******************END OF MOCK TEST-II*******************************




1. Who can impound an unduly stamped instrument? a) Court only b) Any public officer including police officer b) Court or public officer but not police officer d) None

2. Who shall bear stamp duty?a) Executant b) Person in whose favour document is executed c) Scribe d) Any one of them.

3. Any person receiving money exceeding Rs……./- shall give a duly stamped receipt for the same. a) Rs.10, b) Rs.30/- c) Rs.100/- d) Rs.20/-

4.The consequences of an unduly stamped document are as follows: a) Can’t received in evidence b) can’t acted upon c) can’t be Registered d) All of them

5. Which court has jurisdiction to try the offences under stamp law? a) JMFC b) JMSC c) Sessions Judge d) Civil Judge.

6. What is the purpose of registration? a) Conservation of evidence, b) Publicity of documents c) Prevention of fraud d) All of them

7.Amongst the following one is wrong : a) S.17 of registration Act talks about document required to be registered b) S.3 of the Stamp Act is a charging section c) Law provides remedy for unduly stamped document but not for  unregistered documents d) None

8.Amongst the following one is wrong a) Registering authority can verify title b) It is the duty of the registering authority to ensure that executant registering the document c) Document shall be presented for registration within four months d) None

9.Who are the persons competent to present the document for registration before SRO?a) Person executing it or claiming under it b) Representative or assignee of such person c) By the agent of such person or duly authorized power of attorney holder d) All the above.

10.What is the date from which registered document operates?  a) Date of execution b) Date of registration c) Discretion of the parties d) None

11.Who are the parties in a bill of exchange? a) Drawer, b) Drawee, c) Payee d) All of them

12.________is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of a certain person, or to the bearer. a) Promissory Note b) Cheque c) Bill of exchange d) None

13._______is generally a person, who for consideration became possessor of a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque. a) Holder in due course b) Holder c) Payee d) All of them

14.What is the kind of relationship between Banker and Customer? a) Debtor and creditor b) Principal and agent d) Trustee and Beneficiary e) None

15.Negotiable Instrument is defined in _________. a)  Sec.13 b) S.12 c) S.11 d) None

16.What is the process by which a negotiable instrument is transferred to any person so as to constitute such person the holder called? a) Assignment b) Negotiation c) Conveyance d) Any one of them

17. Material alteration on a negotiable instrument renders it A) Valid b) Voidable c) Void d) none

18. Presumptions u/S.118 comes into play only if the a) Document is marked b) Document execution is proved c) Document contents are proved d) None

19.What are the important definitions under the A.P Rent Control Act? a) Controller b) Land lord b) Tenant d) All of them

20. Among the following one is wrong w.r.t A.P Rent Control Act:  a) To evict tenant under rent control act notice is not necessary b) To evict tenant under Transfer of Property Act notice is necessary c) The Act applies only to buildings which are age of 15 years above d) None

21.Among the following one is wrong w.r.t to A.P Rent Control Act: a) This Act has no application if building rent exceeds Rs.3500/- per month in Municipal areas b)  Civil Judge is designated as Rent controller under this Act c) Rent controller has authority to fix fair rent d) None

22.The term land lord underA.P  Rent control includes:  a) Owner of the building b) Person entitled to receive the rent c) Tenant who sub-let the building d) All of them

23.The term Tenant under A.P Rent control includes: a) Person to who pays rent b) Surviving Spouse c) Surviving Son d) All of them

24. Which section provides grounds to evict tenant under A.P.Rent Control Act?a) S.10 b) S.15 c) S.28 d) None

25.What are the grounds for Evicting Tenant under A.P.Rent Control Act? a)Denial of title of landlord  b) Willful default in payment of rents c) Bonafide requirement of the landlord d) All of them

26. Specific relief can be granted for a) Enforcing individual civil rights b) enforcing penal laws c) Both civil rights and penal laws d) neither civil rights nor penal laws.

27.A suit for possession of an immovable property u/S.6 of Specific Relief Act can be filed within     (a) 1 year of dispossession  b) 6 months of dispossession c) 3 years of dispossession d) 12 years of dispossession.

28.A suit for recovery of possession of an immovable property u/S.6 of Specific Relief Act can be filed against  (a) a private individual only   (b) a government (c) both a private individual and a government   (d) neither (a) nor (b).

 29.Burden to prove adverse possession is on a) Court b) defendant c) plaintiff   d) none of above.

 30.Under section 10 of Specific Relief Act, the specific performance of the contract cannot be granted a) if there is no concluded contract b) if there is a concluded contract c) if the compensation in money is not an adequate relief d) if there exists no standard for ascertaining the actual damages.

31.In case of specific performance of part of contract the purchaser a) may relinquish claim to further performance of the remaining part of contract and has right to compensation b) may not relinquish claim to further performance of the remaining part of contract and has no right to compensation c) specific performance of part of contract not possible d) none of above.

32.Under section 34, a declaration can be sought by a) a stranger who has no interest b) a person having a legal character or a right as to property which is denied c) a person whose legal character or right to property not denied (d) all the above.  

33.Injunctions cannot be granted in a suit a) in which the specific performance cannot be enforced b) for breach of negative contract to enforce specific performance c) for declaration where the plaintiff is in possession d) neither (a) nor (b) nor (c). 

34.Which section talks about grounds for granting perpetual injunction: a) 37 b) 38 c) 39 (d) 40.

35.Section 10 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 provides for a) The contracts which can be specifically enforced b) The contracts which cannot be specifically enforced c) Both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b).

36.Jurisdiction of the court to enforce specific performance of a contract is a) Absolute b) Discretionary c) General & not exceptional d) extensive.

37. Specific performance of a contract a) Will be ordered generally where damages are an adequate remedy b) May be ordered where damages are an adequate remedy c) Will never be ordered if damages are an adequate remedy d) May not be ordered if damages are an adequate remedy.

38. In which of the following cases, the specific performance of a contract will not be ordered (a) Where pecuniary compensation would afford adequate relief (b) Where the acts would require continued supervision by the court (c) Where the contract provides for personal affirmative acts or personal service (d) All the above.

39.Specific performance of contract to build or repair can be ordered (a) where the plaintiff has a substantial interest in the performance of the contract and he cannot be compensated adequately in damages (b) where the plaintiff has a substantial interest in the performance of a contract but he can be compensated in damages (c) where the plaintiff has no substantial interest in the performance of the contract and can be compensated in damages (d) all the above.

 40.Section 9 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 provides for (a) the grounds on which specific performance of contract can be granted (b) the defences which a person against whom the relief of specific performance is claimed may plead (c) the defences which a person against whom the relief of specific performance is claimed cannot plead (d) the grounds on which specific performance of a contract cannot be granted.

 41.Section 9 of the Specific Relief Act, 1930, lays down that in a suit for specific performance of a contract (a) the defendant can plead all the defences available to the defendant in a suit for damages for breach of a contract (b) the defendant cannot plead the defences available to the defendant in a suit for damages for breach of a contract (c) the defendant can plead the defences available to the defendant in a suit for damages for breach of a contract, only with the permission of the court (d) either (b) or (c).

 42.An agreement to form a partnership (a) is enforced as a general rule (b) is enforced where parties have in part performance of the contract carried on the partnership business   (c) either (a) or (b)   (d) neither (a) nor (b).

 43.The propositions are :                                                                                                                               I.A contract for the sale of a patent can be specifically enforced.                                   II.A contract to assign a copyright is specifically enforceable.                                        III. An agreement to form a partnership is specifically enforceable as a general rule.  Which of the following is true in respect of the said propositions

(a) III is correct and I & II are incorrect           (b) III & II are correct and I is incorrect

(c) III & I are correct and II is incorrect   (d) I & II are correct and III is incorrect.

 45.The following section of the Specific Relief Act talks about Rectification (a) S.26 (b) S.25 (c) S.28 (d) S.29

46.The Perpetual injunction can be granted in cases of (a) contracts   (b) torts   (c) both (a) and (b)  (d) only (a) and not (b).

47. When Injunction can be refused? a) To restrain any person from applying to any legislative body. (b) To restrain any person from instituting or prosecuting any proceeding in a criminal matter; (c) To prevent the breach of a contract the performance of which would not be specifically enforced; D) None

48. Easement arises in …… Kind of Property a) Movable b) Immovable c) Both d) None

49. Hindu Marriage Act doesn’t applicable to the following? a) Christian b) Muslim c) Schedule Tribe notified by the president in Art.366(25) of COI d) All

50.Under section 3 of Hindu Marriage Act, a rule can be a ‘custom’ or usage       (a) If it is certain & not unreasonable        (b) If it is not certain but reasonable (c) If it is neither certain nor reasonable    (d) If it is either certain or reasonable.

51.Under the Hindu Marriage Act, the Sapinda relationship extends in the line of ascent, to (a) two degrees through the mother and three degrees through the father (b) three degrees through the mother and four degrees through the father (c) three degrees through the mother and five degrees through the father (d) five degrees through the mother and seven degrees through the father.

52. Propositions are 

I.A void marriage remains valid until a decree annulling it has been passed by a competent court. II.A void marriage is never a valid marriage and there is no necessity of any decree annulling it.     III. A voidable marriage is regarded as a valid subsisting marriage until a decree annulling it has been passed by a competent court.  In respect of the aforesaid proposition which is correct 

(a) I and III are correct and II is incorrect     (b) II & III are correct and I is incorrect              (c) I, II & III all are correct                           (d) I & III are incorrect but II is correct.

  1. Which among the following is void marriage? a) Bigamous b) Within the prohibited degree relationship c) Within the sapinda relationship d) none

54.A wife left to her parental house without informing her husband the remedy available to her husband to get her back is : a)Divorce b) Judicial separation d) Restitution of Conjugal Rights e) All

55.Whether husband leaving at her parental house and left for USA and stayed there for five years is it a ground for Divorce? a) Yes b) No    c) Discretion of the court d) Discretion of the parties

  1. Spouse Suffering with incurable form of leprosy is it a ground for divorce? a) Yes b) No c) Discretion of the court d) None
  1. Wife converted to other religion, is it a ground for divorce? a) Yes b) NO c) Discretion of the court d) None

58.A pre-marriage agreement to live separately is (a) void  (b) voidable  (c) valid  (d) invalid.

59.A post-marriage agreement to live separately in future is (a) void   (b) voidable   (c) valid   (d) invalid.

60.After the passing of a decree for judicial separation, co-habitation is (a) obligatory    (b) not obligatory   (c) directory   (d) either (a) or (c).

 61.A petition for judicial separation lies (a) If the marriage is void    (b) If the marriage is valid (c) If the marriage is either void or voidable  (d) If the marriage is invalid.

  1. During judicial separation the (a) Parties continue to be husband & wife but marital rights and obligations are suspended (b) Parties continue to be husband & wife and the marital rights & obligation remain infact (c) Parties continue to be husband & wife and may suspend or may not suspend the marital rights & obligations    (d) Parties cease to be husband & wife.

 63.Under section 10 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 the grounds for judicial separation are (a) the same as the grounds for divorce   (b) different from the grounds for divorce (c) neither same nor different from the grounds for divorce  (d) all the above.

64. Amongst the following one is WRONG? a) Maintenance Pendent elite is provided u/S. 24 Hindu Marriage Actb) Permanent Alimony is provided u/S. 25 Hindu Marriage Act c) Divorcee can remarry after the period for preferring appeal against the divorce decree has been expired or if appeal is preferred after dismissal of appeal. D) None

65.Both wife and husband acquired property when they were living together can the court can pass a partition order in a petition under Divorce? a)Yes b) No c) With the consent of the parties d) Discretion of the court

66.Whether divorce application can be filed within one year of marriage? a)Yes, b) No c) With the leave of the court, it can be filed d) None

67.Husband convicted  for offence S.……… IPC, entitled wife for divorce?a)S.302 b) 304 A c) 377 d) Any one of them

68.What is the effect of Marriage if a material fact is suppressed?A) Void b) Voidable c) Valid d) None of the above

69.What is the time limit for preferring petition under Sec. 12  of Hindu Marriage Act  a) Two years b) One year c) Three years d) No time limit

70.Amongst the following one is WRONG?a) The court pass a decree of judicial separation in a petition for Divorce.b) The court can grant custody of children in the proceedings under Hindu Marriage Actc) Even there is a custom of 2nd marriage in Hindus, it is void d) None

  1. License is defined S….. of Easement Act(a) 53   (b) 52  (c) 51  (d) None
  1. The following easement is granted by law(a) Necessity (b) Prescription (c) A & B  (d) None
  1. Easement can be acquired by way of (a) Custom   (b)Contract    (c) Law   (d) All the above
  1. S.15 of easement Act is not applicable to :a) Pathway b) Right to getting light or air c) Open space d) None

 75.Hindu Marriage Act and Hindu Succession Act don’t apply to:a) Sikh b) Buddha c) Parsi d) Jain

76.If a person disputes applicability of Hindu Laws to him burden to prove it ….a) Upon that person b) His opponent c) On court d) All of them

  1. Amongst the following one is wrong:   a) Descendants from a common ancestor through different wives are called Half Blood  b) Descendants from a common ancestress through different husband are called Uterine Blood relatives  c) Descendants from a common ancestor and a wife are called as Full Blood relatives d) None
  1. In case of succession who has to be given preference a) Full Blood, b) Half-blood b) Uterine blood c) None

80.Amongst the following one is wrong:  a) As per S.6 of the Hindu Succession Act, the Share of a Coparcenar devolves upon his heirs by way of Survivorship.  b) As per S.8 the self acquired property of Hindu Male devolves under the rules mentioned in it. c) Daughter of a coparcener became entitled to share in coparcenary by virtue of amendment to Sec. 6 in the year 2005. d) None

81.An unmarried Hindu died leaving behind mother and father only and as such who takes the property? a) Mother b) Father c) Both d) None

82.Among the following one is wrong?  a) A child in womb gets right in the property of its father b) A Hindu widow got a plot in lieu of maintenance and as such it is her Self Acquired property c) The concept of Pious obligation is deleted d) None

83.Among the following one is wrong? a) Succession Act deals with intestate succession b) If the will is not proved, property of the deceased must be distributed as per Succession Act b) Co-Sharer has a preferential right over the property   d) None

84.Amongst the one is not eligible for succession? A) Murder b) Converter to another religion c) HIV Patient d) All

85.Among the following one is wrong? a) In the absence of legal heirs government would take the property subject to liabilities b) Law presumes elder died earlier in the event of doubt between about their time of death c) If partition is effected all the heirs take the property like Tenants in Common (S.19) d) None

86.Among the following one is wrong? a) 2nd wife has no legal status b) Illegitimate child entitled to self-acquired property of father c) Illegitimate child entitled to Co-parcenery property of father d) None

87.Among the following one is wrong? a) Agnates are person related through males b) Daughter is barred from claiming partition with brothers in respect of dwelling house c) Daughter is a coparcener d) None

88.Amongst the following one is right? a) Plea of limitation shall be specifically raised by the defendant b) Defendant can excuse the Plaintiff to continue the suit after limitation c) Court has to consider the plea limitation though it is not raised by defendant  d) None

  1. Amongst the following one is right? a) Upon expiry of time limitation, right extinguishes b) Upon expiry of limitation, claim bars c) There is no time limitation for execution of mandatory injunction d) None
  1. S.5 Limitation Act doesn’t apply to: a) Suits b) Appeals c) Applications d) none
  1. Amongst the following one is Wrong? a) If the last day happens to be a holiday suit can be filed on the next working day b) If the advocates abstain from attending work, suit can filed on next working day c) Disability doesn’t come in way once time limitation starts. d) None (Question revised)
  1. The following time period shall  not be excluded from counting a) Time taken for obtaining certified copies of award, Judgment, Decree b) Day of Judgment shall be excluded. c) Time taken for obtaining leave to sue as an indigent person d) None
  1. Under following circumstances time limitation revives: a) Acknowledgment of debt within the time period b) Acknowledgment of debt after the time period c) Part payment of debt after the time period d) None
  1. Amongst the following one is right? a) 18 Limitation Act and S.25(3) Contract Act are one and the same b) S.18 Limitation Act and S.25 (3) Contract Act are two different concepts c) S18 shall be in writing and S.25 (3) Contract Act can be oral also d) None
  1. Amongst the following one is right? a) Time taken for obtaining sanction from Government shall be excluded b) If a party is impleaded during the progress of suit limitation has to be reckoned from date on which he is impleaded or from any other date as the court orders. c) Suit for recovery of possession of immovable property is dealt under Art. 64& 65 d) None

96.What is time limitation to file suit for specific performance ? a) Three years from the date of due b)  Three years from the date of refusal if there is no time fixed.  c) Date of contract  d) Six years.

97What is the time limitation for action for libel? A) Two years, b) Three years c) One year d) None

98.Among the following one is wrong? a) If the special act provides time limitation, it prevails over Limitation Act. b) The time period in case of Suit for cancellation of document is counted from the date of knowledge c) Suit for setting aside sale of joint family property is 109 Twelve Years. d) None

  1. Among the following one is wrong w.r.t A.P. Encroachment Act a) It applies to government properties only b)  Tahsildhar is competent authority and civil court has no jurisdiction under this Act. d) Appellate authority is Revenue divisional authority. D) None
  1. A rights which restricts the exclusive enjoyment ……a) Lease b) Easement c) Sale d) Mortgage





Dear Aspirants for Jr.Civil Judge Post (High Court of Hyderabad),

We hereby inform that there are only thirty four posts and as such only three hundred around can appear for Mains exam.     Thus, this time competition is very tough.   Hence, PALSAR, conducts three mock tests with more seriousness and don’t get worried if you find it to be tough.  The object of these mock tests are to inform you about serious areas where much concentration is required.  We will post answers tomorrow only.   These three tests are organized in the following style.


1Mock Test –I & IIAll Major Laws including Contract Law
2Mock Test –I & IIHindu Laws, Rent control law, Specific relief Act,Stamp Act, Registration Act, Limitation Act



Dear Aspirants for Jr.Civil Judge Post (High Court of Hyderabad),

We hereby inform that there are only thirty four posts and as such only three hundred around can appear for Mains exam. Thus, this time competition is very tough. Hence, PALSAR, conducts three mock tests with more seriousness and don’t get worried if you find it to be tough. The object of these mock tests are to inform you about serious areas where much concentration is required. We will post answers tomorrow only. These three tests are organized in the following style.


1. Temporary injunction may be granted :-
a) To restrain any election
b) To restrain dispossession from property
(c) To restrain any intended disciplinary action against public servant
d) To restrain the result of any adverse entry against the public servant

2. What is the time limit to for respondent to file cross objections from the day of service of the notice of the hearing of appeal?
(a) In 15 days (b) In one month (c) In 45 days (d) In 21 days

3. Amongst the following one is not movable property under section 22 I.P.C.?
(a) Soil     (b) Cheque     (c) Tree     (d) Fish in a tank4.

4. What is not correct about the self defence :-
(a) Nothing is offence which is done in exercise of right of private defence.
(b) Right of private defence is extended to causing death in the case of robbery
(c) Right of private defence is extended to causing death in defamation case.
(d) There is no right of private defence, if there is time to have recourse to the protection of public authorities.

5. A instigates B to murder C, B refuses to do so :-
(a) B is guilty of abetment        (b) A is guilty of abetment of murder
(c) A & B both are guilty of abetment     (d) None of the above

6.Y holds Z down and fraudulently takes Z’s money from Z’s clothes without Z’s consent. Y has committed.
(a) Theft       (b) Extortion
(c) Dishonest misappropriation of property      (d) Robbery

7. Which ingredient is not essential for Rioting?
(a) Unlawful assembly of five or more persons
(b) Common object of the unlawful assembly as specified u/s 141
(c) Accused joined or continued in such unlawful assembly
(d) There must be definite disturbance of the public peace on public place

8. Minimum sentence for ‘Ten years imprisonment’ is necessary for which of these offences?
(a) Section 326 voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapon
(b) Section 376(2) g Gang rape
(c) Section 395 Dacoity
(d) Section 409 Criminal breach of trust by a public servant

9. A without any excuse fires a gun shot into a crowd of persons and kills two of them – A is guilty of :-
(a) Murder – section 302 (b) Causing death by negligence – section 304(A)
(c) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder -section 304 (d) No offence

10. A is accused of rape. What defense is permissible to him according to law :-
(a) They love each other and want to marry       (b) He lost his control under circumstances
(c) She Consents to the act of sexual intercourse    (d) None of the above

11. What punishment may be awarded for the offence voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant force his duty u/s 321.P.C.?
(a) Imprisonment upto three years and fine or both     (b) Imprisonment upto five vears and fine or both
(c) Imprisonment upto seven years and fine or both    (d) Imprisonment upto ten years and fine or both

12. A makes an attempt to steal some jewels by breaking open a box and finds there no jewel in it, A is guilty of attempt of theft. What punishment may be awarded to him :-
(a) The same punishment as for theft
(b) One half of the term of imprisonment provided for the offence of theft or with such fine as provided for the offence or with both
(c) Express provision is provided for punishment “Attempt to Theft” in Indian Penal Code (d) Only Fine

13. What ingredient is not necessary for the offence punishable under section 279 I.P.C. (Rash driving on public way)
(a) Driving of Vehicle           (b) On a Public way
(c) Such driving must be so rash or negligent as to endanger human life        (d) Persons were on road

14. A and B agree to fence with each other for amusement. A while playing fairly hurts B:-
(a) A is liable for Voluntarily causing hurt     (b) A is liable for assault
(c) A has committed no offence            (d) A is liable to compensate B

15. What offence is bailable ?
(a) Mentioned as bailable offence in I Schedule of Cr.P.C.
(b) All cases of summon’s trial
(c) All non-cognizable offences
(d) All cases which are not triable by session

16. A Patient in lunatic asylum, who is at intervals of sound mind.
(a) May not Contract     (b) May contract
(c) May contract during those intervals when he of sound mind.
(d) May contract only after he becomes completely of sound mind.

17. Who may claim for maintenance under section 125 of Cr.P.C?
(a) Wife who has her own source of income      (b) Illegitimate minor child
(c) Married daughter        (d) Brother and Sister

18. A minor girl lived with her father at Hyderabd, she became intimate with the accused and ran away sith the accused from Hyderabad to Warangal in a taxi. After some time they eventually settled in Nalgonda. An offence of kidnapping may be tried.
(a) at Hyderabad           (b) at Warangal            (c) at Nalgonda          (d) at any place mentioned above

19. Who may record a confessional statement under section 164 Cr.P.C.?
(a) Police Officer            (b) Executive Officer                (c) Judicial Magistrate who has jurisdiction only
(d) Any Judicial Magistrate

20. Who may complain for Bigamy u/s 494 Cr.P.C.?
(a) Mother, Father, Brother or sister on behalf of wife
(b) Police             (c) Any Social institute                       (d) None of the above

21. The presumption for an ancient document u/S.90 extends to…                                                                                         (a) Contents of the Document          (b) Execution of the document     (c) A & B     (d) None

22. Where no sum is expressed to which a fine may extend there the amount of fine to which the offender may be liable will bet-
(a) Not exceeding rupees fifty thousand              (b) Not exceeding rupees twenty five thousand
(c) Not exceeding rupees ten lakh             (d) Unlimited but not excessive

23. When a surety to a bond dies before the bond is forfeited, the liability in respect of bond.
(a) Shall not be discharged.             (b) Shall be discharged.
(c) Court has discretion to remit any portion.          (d) There is no provision.
24. Minimum number of persons required to commit an affray is :-
(a) Five               (b) Two              (c) Ten              (d) Eleven

25. Appeal in case of acquittal by a Magistrate may lie in ?
(a) High Court            (b) Sessions Court             (c) C.J.M’s Court               (d) No appeal lie

26. What is the time limit in sec. 468 Cr.P.C. for taking congnizance in a case of 498A IPC?
(a) Six months      (b) One Year         (c) Three years          (d) No limit

27. What is the meaning of “Not proved” under Evidence Act?
(a) Fact does not exist          (b) Non-existence probable       (c) Court has doubt,
(d) Neither proved nor disproved.

28. A is accused of the murder of B by beating him. What is not relevant piece of evidence?
(a) Whatever was said by A or B or by slanders at the time of beating
(b) A has intention for murder of B.                                                                                                                                                (c) Marks on the ground of struggle between A to B.
(d) A is a man of bad character.

29. Facts not otherwise become relevant if they are inconsistent or makes highly probable any fact-in-issue or a relevant fact.
(a) Cannot be relevant          (b) Relevant u/s 11 of Rvidence Act
(c) Relevant u/s 9 of Evidence Act        (d) Relevant u/s 7 o f Evidence Act
30. A rustic woman in apprehension of assault and maltreatment makes a confession for murder of her mother-in-law at the village panchayat. Whether this confession is relevant?
(a) As extrajudicial confession         (b) Can’t be proved due to involuntariness
(c) As a supporting evidence to the fact deposed by the witness         (d) Partly admissibl

31. Provisions sec. 32(1) of Evidence Act are attracted, where what is not true ?
(a) The cause of death is required to be ascertained                                                                                                                     (b) The deceased statement is related to the cause of death
(c) To circumtances connected with death                                                                                                                                     (d) Verbal statement is not relevant, it must be in writing

32  What type of Secondary evidence relating to public documents may be given ?
(a) Oral evidence about contents          (b) Certified copy of the document
(c) Photostate copy          (d) Written admission

33. What is not true about the mode of proof for a will ?
(a) One attesting witness at least to be examined
(b) Not necessary to call any attesting witness if will has been registered
(c) No proof required if it is admitted by an heir of the executants
(d) Where attesting witness not found handwriting of attesting witness and signature of executant must be proved

34. Execution of document may be presumed if the document is to be old :-
(a) Ten years            (b) Twenty years              (c) Thirty years               (d) Forty years

35. Who may not testify :-
(a) An accomplice                (b) Child             (c) Dumb person
(d) Lumatic – who is unable to understand question and to give a rational answer.

36. What is not true ?
(a) Witness may be cross-examined as to previous statement in writing
(b) Leading question may be asked in cross-examination
(c) Person called to produce document can be cross-examined
(d) Party calling the witness may cross-examine him with the permission of Court

37. What are privileged Document :-
(a) Statement in department enquiry
(b) Any communications between Chief Minister and Governor of State
(c) The accident register kept by a medical practitioner
(d) A defamatory imputation about a person in the instructions to an advocate

38. Civil death may be presumed if it is proved that one has not been heard of for by person who would have naturally heard of him :-
(a) 10 years          (b) 20 years              (c) 12 years                   (d) 7 years

39. An agent can be appointed by:-
(a) A minor of sound mind                  (b) A major of sound mind
(c) Any person of sound mind                    (d) Any major of sound or unsound mind

40. In a pledge ownership of property or goods:-
(a) continued in pledger                                                                                                                                                                     (b) transferred to the pledge                                                                                                                                                                 (c) cannot be transferred to pledgee under any circumstances                                                                                                   (d) Cannot continue with pledger under any cicumstances

41. Novation of a contract means:-
(a) Renewal of original contract                    (b) Substitution of a new contract in place of original contract
(c) Alternation of contract                  (d) Recision of Contract

42. A decree can be :-
(a) Preliminary                   (b) Final                   (c) First preliminary then final            (d) Either preliminary or final

43. Mohan residing in Mumbai beats Sohan in Delhi, Sohan maysueMohan:-
(a) Only in Mumbai          (b) Only in Delhi         (c) Either in Mumbai or in Delhi        (d) None of these

44. Principle of res judicata applies :-
(a) To suits only         (b) To execution proceedings only              (c) To arbitration proceedings only
(d) To suits as well as execution proceedings

45. In case of failure of filing the written statement within thirty days, the defendant can be allowed to file the same on such other day specified by the court for reasons recorded in writing which shall not be later than:-
(a) 45 days       (b) 60 days          (c) 90 days         (d) 120 days of summons

46. Where immovable property is transferred for consideration by persons having distrinct interest therein, but their interests in the property are of equal value, the transferor are :-
(a) Entitled to get equal share in the consideration
(b) Entitled to get unequal share in the consideration
(c) Entitled to get equal share subject to further transfers in future
(d) None of the above

47. Rule of lis pendents is applicable to suits for specific performance of contracts to transfer the immovable property. This statements is :-
(a) False              (b) True            (c) Partly true            (d) Depends on the facts of each case

48. In case of transfer of property the seller is :-
(a) not entitled to rents and profits
(b) entitled to rents and profits of the property till the ownership there of passed to buyer.
(c) Entitled to rents and profits forever            (d) None of the above
49. Compounding of offence under the provisions of criminal procedure code results in that criminal case :-
(a) Acquittal of accused            (b) Discharge of accused
(c) Acquittal only if the chaerges have been framed             (d) Discharge only if the charges have been framed

50. Period of limitation to take cognizance of an offence punishable for a term more than three years imprisonment is:-
(a) 90 days                  (b) One years             (c) Three years              (d) No period of limitation is prescribed

51. A disputed handwriting can be proved :-
(a) By calling an expert
(b) By examining a person acquainted with the handwriting of the writer of the questioned document
(c) Comparison of the two, admitted and disputed documents                 (d) All of the above

52. A transfers Rs. 5000 to B on condition that he shall marry with the consent of C, Dand E dies. B marries with the consent of C and D, it is deemed that :-
(a) B has fulfilled the condition             (b) B has not fulfilled condition
(c) Condition became void                   (d) Condition became Illegal

54. A Hindu who has separted from his father B sells to C three fields X, Y and Z representing that A is authorised to transfer these fields Z does not belong to A but on B’s death A as heir obtains Z, C did not rescind the contract :-
(a) Contract became infructuous              (b) C may require A to deliver Z to him
(c) Contract is void                   (d) Contract is unenforceable

55. Under section 80 of Civil Procdure Coder-
(a) Ninety days          (b) Sixty days             (c) Three months
(d) Two months notice in writing is required to be delivered before institution of a suit against the Government.

56. Transfer of Property pending suit thereto the transfer shall be:-
(a) Void                (b) Affected subject to the decree or order of the court            (c) Illegal              (d) Inftuctiuous

57. What is not correct – the liabilities of the seller is that he is :-
(a) to disclose to the buyer any material defected in the property
(b) to produce to the buyer for examination all documents of title relating to the property
(c) not to answer to the best of his information all the relevant questions put to him by the buyer in respect of the title
(d) to give possession to the buyer as its nature admits

58. Where the principal money secured is 100 rupees a mortgage other than a mortgage by deposit of title deeds, what is not correct about it :-
(a) Must be signed by the mortgagor         (b) Must be attested by at least two witnesses
(c) Can be affected by at by oral agreement         (d) Must be by a registered instrument

59. Mortgaged property in possession of the martagagee has, during the continuance of the mortgage received any accession upon redemption in the absence of a contract to the contrary, who shall be entitled to such accession?
(a) Mortgagee             (b) Mortgagor                (c) Mortgagee and mortgagor in equal share          (d) None of the above

60. A lease of immoveable property does not determine:-
(a) By efflux of the time limited thereby         (b) on death of the lessor         (c) By surrender
(d) Where such time is limited conditionally on the happening of some event by the happening of such time.

61. A made a gift of property to B before acceptance by B, A dies. Gift is :-
(a) Legal          (b) Illegal            (c) Void         (d) Voidable

62. A owes money to B who transfers the debt to C, B then demands the debt from A who not having received notice of the transfer as prescribed in section 131 of the T.P.Act 1882 pays B The payment is:-
(a) Legal               (b) Illegal              (c) Enforceable              (d) Not enforceable

63. The agreement which is not enforceable legally is called:-
(a) Voidable           (b) Void              (c) Illegal              (d) Voidable Contract

64. A agrees to sell a horse worth Rs. 1000 for Rs. 10 A’s consent to the agreement was freely given.The agreement is :-
(a) Voidable       (b) Void        (c) Contract        (d) Illegal

65. One of the following ingredients is not necessary for contract :-
(a) Proposal             (b) Acceptance              (c) Consideration               (d) Immovable Property

66. The following agreements remain valid even though there is no consideration:-                                                            (a) Agency             (b) Promise to pay Time barred debt                   (c) Promise to pay for past voluntary services        (d) All the above

67. A intending to deceive B falsely represents that five hundred tons of indigo is made annually at A’s factory and thereby induce B to buy the factory The contract is :-
(a) Void                      (b) Voidable at the option of A                      (c) Voidable at the option of B                 (d) Illegal

68. A promises to maintain B’s child. B Promises to pay A Rs. 1000 yearly for the purpose. The consideration is:-
(a) Lawful                (b) Unlawful                 (c) No consideration                  (d) None of these

69. A agrees to sell to B a hundred tons of oil. There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is :-
(a) Voidable              (b) Void               (c) Enforceable              (d) Non-enforceable

70. A agrees to pay B a sum of money, if B marries C, C marries D. The agreement is:-
(a) Void              (b) Voidable               (c) Legal               (d) Illegal

71. A Promises to paint a picture for B within 10 days at a price of Rs. 1000 A dies before the days. The contract is :-
(a) Enforceable       (b) Non-enforceable                  (c) Voidable              (d) Void

72. A contracts to sing for B at a concert for Us. 1000 which are paid in advance. A is too ill to sing. Then :-
(a) A must refund to B Rs. 1000 paid in advance                      (b) A must not refund to B Rs. 1000 paid in advance
(c) B can receive compensation from A                    (d) None of the above

73. A, a tradesman leaves his goods at B’s house by mistake B uses the goods as his own. Then :-
(a) B need not pay to A, provided it is gratuitous act
(b) B is bound to pay A, provided it is non-gratuitous act
(c) There is no contract (d) None of the above

74. A witness who is unable to speak, gives his evidence by writing in Open Court, Evidence so given shall be deemed to be :-
(a) Oral evidence               (b) Documentary evidence               (c) Primary evidence             (d) Secondary evidence

75. A person summoned to produce a document when produces the document then:-
(a) He becomes a witness             (b) He is cross-examined by both the parties
(c) He is cross-examined with the permission of the court
(d) He does not become witness and cannot be cross-examined unless and until he is called as a witness

76. Any questions suggesting the answer which the person putting it wishes or expects to receive is called :-
(a) Indecent question         (b) Scandalous question        (c) Question intended to annoy          (d) Leading question

77. Provisions of Transfer of property Act shall be applicable :-
(a) Where property is transferred in execution of decree of the court
(b) Where the property of insolvent vests in Receiver by the order of the court
(c) Where the property is transferred by the act of parties (d) To intestate succession

78. ‘Attested’ in relation to an instrument means and shall be deemed always to have been attested by the least :-
(a) One witness (b) Two witnesses (c) Three witnesses (d) Four witnesses

79. To be competent to transfer property it is not essential that:-
(a) Person be major             (b) Person be sound mind             (c) Person is competent to contract
(d) Transferable property is his own

80.How many types of mortgages are there in section 58 to Transfer of property act?
(a) Four       (b) Five       (c) Six         (d) Seven

81.What is not required in Gift?
(a) Donor and donee            (b) Consideration              (c) Moveable or immoveable property                                            (d) Transfer and acceptance

82. For the purpose of making a gift of immoveable property the transfer must be affected :-
(a) By delivery of possession
(b) By aregistered instrument signed by or on behalf of the donor and duly attested
(c) By simple instrument
(d) By simple instrument accompained by delivery ofpossession

83. A gift comprising both existing and future property:-
(a) Is void        (b) Is valid       (c) Is void as the existing property       (d) Is void as the future property

84. Amongst the one is wrong:-
a) Minor can be agent                 b) Agency requires no consideration                c) Generally agency can be revoked
d) None

85. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to sub-agent?
(a) He is employed by the prinicipal in the business of the agency.
(b) He is employed by the original agent in the business of the agency.
(c) He acts under the control of the principal.
(d) The agent is not responsible to principal for the acts of the sub-agent

86. A gives authority to B to sell A’s land and to pay himself out of the proceeds, the debts due to him from A. In the adsence of an express contract.
(a) A can revoke this authority
(b) Authority can be terminated by the insanity of A
(c) Authority can be terminated by the death of A
(d) A cannot revoke this authority, nor can it be terminated by his death of insanity.

87. In reference of District court which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) It can transfer any suit, appeal or other proceeding pending before it for trial to any court subodinate to it and competent to try or dispose of the same.
(b) It can withdraw any suit and appeal or other proceeding pending in any court subordinate to it.
(c) It can try or dispose of the suit, appeal or other proceeding withdrawn from any court subordinate to it or it may transfer the same for trial or disposal to some other court subordinate to it and competent to try of dispose of the same.
(d) It cannot rctransfer any suit, appeal or other proceeding to the court from which it was withdrawn.

88. Under section 34 of civil procedure code, Court can award interest from the date of decree to the date of payment or such earlier date as the court thinks fit. Rate of such interest shall not exceed…….. per annum.
(a) Nine percent              (b) Ten percent            (c) Six percent       (d) Twelve percent

89. Any amount which a court will order to be paid as compensatory costs in respect of false or vaxatious claims or defences, shall not exceed the amount of-
(a) Two thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction.
(b) Three thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction whichever is less.
(c) Four thousand rupees or the amount within its pecu-niaryjurisduction, whichever is less.
(d) Five thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisduction, whichever is less.

90. During the proceeding of execution of a decree, a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the representative of a party such question shall be determined by:-
(a) The court which passed the decree      (b) The court executing the decree
(c) The appellate court           (d) A separate suit

91. A judgment debtor is arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money and the judgement-debtor pays the amount of the decree and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer :-
(a) Shall send the judgment debtor to civil prison.       (b) Shall take judgment debtor to the court.
(c) Shall at once release him.         (d) Shall release him after taking security from him.

92. A leaves a cow in the custody of B to be taken care of. The cow has a calf. In the absence of any contract to the contrary.
(a) B is bound to deliver only the cow to A
(b) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow to A
(c) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow if he is paid half the price of the calf.
(d) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow if he is paid one third of the price of the calf.

93. Finder of a lost thing which is commonly the subject of sale, may sell it when the lawful charges of the finder, in respect of the thing found amount to.
(a) one fourth     (b) Half     (c) One third        (d) Two third of its value.

94. Aggrieved person may not apply for a review of an order or judgement of a Civil Court, on one of the following grounds :-
(a) A decree or order from which an appeal is allowed but from which no appeal has been preferred
(b) A decree or order is passed in the absense of aggrieved person
(c) A decree or order from which no appeal is allowed
(d) A decision on a reference from a court of small cause

95. Order for disposal of property at conclusion of trial by Criminal Court. What is not correct :-
(a) By destruction
(b) By confiscation
(c) Delivery to any person claiming to be entitled to possession
(d) By declaration of title of any person to the ownership of property

96. Judge has power to put question or order production of document, what is not true:-
(a) Parties shall not be entitled to make objection to any such question or order
(b) Parties shall be entitled to cross-examine the witness upon answer given in reply of such question as a right
(c) Without the leave of Court Party shall not be entitled to cross examine
(d) Judge shall not be entitled to compel any witness to answer or produce document which is refusablc u/s 121 to 131 Evidence Act.

97. Suit for partion of immovable property shall be instituted in the court where:-
(a) Plaintiff resides
(b) Plantiff carries on his profession
(c) Subject matter is situated
(d) With the permission of the District Judge, in the Court

98. Court may make order for the payment of Compensatory cost from any party submitting false, claim or defence :
(a) upto Rs. 5000       (b) upto Rs.3000       (c) upto Rs. 1000        (d) Any amount without limit

99. Question which shall be determined by the court executing decree :-
(a) Decree obtained by fraud
(b) Whether any person is or is not the representative of a party
(c) Decree obtained by Collusion                 (d) None of these

100.The property which is not liable to attachment and sale in execution of decree :-
(a) Government securities        (b) Promissory Note          (c) Books of Account           (d) Bond

101. Civil Court may not issue a commission :-
(a) to examine any person          (b) to examine accounts       (c) to perform any ministerial Act    (d) to arrest a person

102. Which of the following is not correct regarding powers of appellate court :-
(a) Have power to determine a case finally       (b) I lave power lo remand the case
(c) Not have power to lake additional evidence      (d) It has power to frame issues and refer the matter for trial

103. The plaint shall not be rejected in one of the following conditions :-
(a) Where it does not disclose a cause of action
(b) Where it is not submitted by an advocate
(c) Where the relief claimed is undervalued and it is not corrected after the order of Court
(d) Where the suit appears from the statement in the plaint to be barred by law.

104. Auction purchaser shall pay full of purchase money :-
(a) Within 7 days             (b) Within 15 days              (c) within 21 days              (d) within 30 days

105. Which one of the following is not essential condition for application of Res Judicata:-
(a) Previous suit was finally heard and decided by the Court of Competent Jurisdiction
(b) Previous suit must be pending before a Court
(c) Parties in previous and the subsequent suits must be the same
(d) Subject matter of previous and the subsequent suite must be the same

106.Proceeding in a suit, relating to minor shall not the stayed:-
(a) On retirement of the next friend of a minor             (b) On attaining the majority by the minor
(c) On removal of the next friend of a minor              (d) On death of the next friend of a minor.
1. If in any case in which the defendant sets up counterclaim, the suit of the plaintiff is stayed, discontinued or dismissed to the conunter claim:
(a) Shall be stayed            (b) Nevertheless be proceeded with
(c) May be continued with the leave of High court           (d) No specific provision

2. Where the decree is for the payment of sum of money exceeding five thousand rupees the period of civil prison :-
(a) Shall not exceed three months        (b) Shall not exceed six months
(c) Shall not exceed nine months          (d) Shall not exceed one year
3. Who among the following is not entitled to exemption from personal appearance in the court: –
(a) Former Indian Ruler            (b) Chairman of the state legislative councils
(c) The ministers of States              (d) Collector

4. Caveat shall not remain in force after expirty of :-
(a) Ninety days         (b) Sixty days              (c) Thirty days          (d) Fifteen days

5. If a party who has obtained an order for leave to amend pleading does not amend the same within how many days, he shall not be permitted to do without leave of court:-
(a) Fifteen days         (b) Fourteen days           (c) Twenty days       (d) Thirty days

6. Where the plaint has been rejected the plaintiff on the same cause of action:-
(a) May present a fresh suit             (b) Cannot present a fresh suit
(c) May present a fresh suit with the leave of High court            (d) None of the above

7. Where the suit is dismissed under rule 2 or 3 or order 9 CP.C. The plaintiff:-
(a) May bring a fresh suit subject to law of limitation
(b) Cannot bring a fresh suit      (c) May bring a fresh suit with the leave of High court
(d) May bring a fresh suit with the leave of District Judge

8. Y inserts his hand into the pocket of Z but the pocket was empty. Y is guilty of :-
(a) No offence as the offence was not completed (b) Theft (c) Mischief (d) Attempt to theft

9. Where any property has been attached in execution of decree and the court, for any reason passes an order dismissing the execution application but omits to give any direction as to attachment:-
(a) Attachment shall be deemed to have ceased      (b) Attachment shall cease after three months
(c) Attachment shall cease after six months
(d) Attachment shall cease after one year.

10. Where any party dies after conclusion and before pronouncing of Judgment:-
(a) The suit shall abate      (b) The suit shall not abate
(c) The suit shall not abet if cause of action survives
(d) It will be deemed that judgment has been pronounced after death of a party

11. Where a decree of compromise which was not lawful, there :-
(a) Suit shall lie to set aside such decree      (b) Complaint has to made to High court
(c) No suit shall lie to set aside such decree
(d) Suit may lie to set aside such decree with the leave of District Judge

12. Where an indigent person succeeds the court fee shall be recovered:-
(a) From the defendant     (b) From the State Government
(c) Not recoverable        (d) From the Plaintiff

13. An Attachment made before judgment in a suit which is dismissed for default:-
(a) Shall not become revived merely by reason of the fact the order for dismissal of the suit or default has set aside,
(b) Shall become revived merely on the basis of restoration of suit
(c) Shall become revived on the order of Appellate Court
(d) Shall become revived on the order of High Court.

14. If the offence be punishable with fine only and accused has been awarded with fifty rupees fine the period of imprisonment in default shall:-
(a) Not exceeding one month        (b) Not exceeding two month
(c) Not exceeding three month      (d) Not exceeding four month

15.A instigates B to give false evidence here, if B does not give false evidence what offence A has committed :-
(a) A is guilty of no offence         (b) Attempt to give false evidence
(c) Offence punishable with imprisonment of any description provided for that offence for a term which may extend     to one-fourth part of the longest term provided for that offence and with fine.                                                                     (d) None of the above

16. What punishment is provided for Dowry death:-
(a) Not loss than three years       (b) Not less than five years
(c) Not less than seven years and in rare circumstances may extent to death sentence
(d) Not less than seven years but which may extend to imprisonment for life

17.Which is not the stolen property :-
(a) Possession whereof was obtained by cheating               (b) Possession whereof was obtained by robbery
(c) Possession whereof was obtained by dacoity     (d) Possession whereof was obtained by criminal breach of trust

18. A Police officer arrested and detained a person in the lockup despite production of a bail order from the court Police officer is guilty of :-
(a) Wrongful restrain       (b) Wrongful confinement        (c) abduction        (d) Kidnapping

19. What must be the age of a minor with regard to the offence of kidnapping:-
(a) Sixteen years     (b) Eighteen years
(c) Under sixteen years of age, if a male and under eighteen years of age, if a female
(d) Under twenty years of age, if a male and under eighteen years of age, if a female

20. What is not correct about ‘Rape’:-
(a) Consent is immaterial if she is under 16 years of age       (b) Penetration is sufficient
(c) Intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age is not rape
(d) Death penalty may be awarded

21. ‘A’ threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning ‘B’ unless ‘B’ gives him money. He thus induces ‘B’ to give him money. ‘A’ has commit-ted:-
(a) Extortion        (b) Defamation             (c) Criminal intimidation            (d) Robbery

22. What is the offence preparation whereof is also punishable:-
(a) Theft       (b) Dacoity         (c) Murder       (d) Rape

23.A makes an attempt to pick the pocket of B by thrusting his hand into B’s pocket. A fails in the attempt in consequence of B’s having nothing in his pocket. A is guilty of :-
(a) No offence        (b) Theft             (c) Attempt to theft            (d) Using criminal force

24.A Voluntarily throws into a river a ring belonging to B with intention thereby causing wrongful loss to B, A has committed:-                                                                                                                                                                                          (a) Theft        (b) Extortion             (c) Robbery              (d) Mischief

25. What punishment may be awarded to the person whose act is covered under general exceptions:-
(a) No punishment               (b) Half of the punishment prescribed for that offence
(c) One fourth of the punishment prescribed for that offence                (d) Depends upon discretion of the court.

26.What sentence an Assistant Session Judge may award:-
(a) Life imprisonment
(b) Any sentence authorised by law except a sentence of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding ten years                                                                                                                                                                              (c) Upto fourteen years                (d) Upto twenty years

27. A person arrested by a police officer may be kept in custody for :-
(a) Two days                (b) Three days               (c) Twenty four hours           (d) One week

28. Now how much amount of monthly maintenance may be awarded in favour of a wife under section 125 of Cr.P.C.:-
(a) Three hundred rupees      (b) Four hundred rupees              (c) Five hundred rupees            (d) No fixed limit

29.In a first information an offence is cognizable and other is non-congnizable the whole case shall be deemed to be:
(a) Cognizable            (b) Non-cognizable              (c) It is to be seen whether it is a warrant case                                        (d) It is to be seen whether it is a summon case

30. What is true about Court of Session :-
(a) It can take cognizance without commitment            (b) It cannot take cognizance without commitment
(c) It can take cognizance on the recommendation of District Magistrate
(d) It can take cognizance if the challan is put by the Superintendent of Police

31. Section 164 Criminal Procedure Code provides a special procedure for recording of:-
(a) Confessions     (b) Statements made during the course of investigation
(c) Confessions as well as statements made during the course of investigation
(d) Examination of witnesses by police

32.How much punishment may be awarded to an accused who is found guilty under a summary trial :-                      (a) Not exceeding two years             (b) Not exceeding one years                  (c) Not exceeding six months,                    (d) Not exceeding three months

33. Whether an accused may be a competent witness in his own defence :-
(a) If he applies in writing on his own request.
(b) No                   (c) With the leave of Court of Session                   (d) With the leave of High Court

34.Whenever a Magistrate is of opinion, after hearing the evidence for prosecution and the accused, that the accused is guilty and that he ought to receive a severe punishment, then such Magistrate is empowered to inflict, the Magistrate may forward the case to:-
(a) Session Judge           (b) Chief Judicial Magistrate            (c) District Magistrate       (d) Concerned Police Station

35.In one trial A is awarded with the sentence which is not appealable whereas sentence against B is appealable, Whether A can file an appeal against his sentence :-
(a) No       (b) Only with special leave      (c) Yes (d) There is no such provision

36. Under the provisions of Section 125(4) Criminal Procedure code, who among the following cannot claim maintenance from her husband:-
(a) Wife herself earning money        (b) Wife living separately by mutual consent
(c) Woman, who has been divorced by her husband and has not remarried
(d) Woman, who has obtained divorce from her husband and has not remarried

37.When can a trial court release an accused on bail under section 389(3) of Cr.P.C. after conviction:-
(a) Where accused is on bail and imprisonment is not exceeding 3 years
(b) Where accused is on bail and imprisonment is not exceeding 5 years
(c) Where accused is on bail and imprisonment is not exceeding 7 years
(d) Where offence is exclusively bailable whether accused is on bail or not

38. What is effect of trial conducted in wrong place :-
(a) Vitiated itself             (b) Vitiated if caused failure of justice            (c) Seriousness has to be seen
(d) Is to be referred to High court

39.When will proceeding be vitiated if the Magistrate is not empowered to do so:-
(a) To issue a search warrant undre section 94 of Cr.P.C.
(b) To hold an inquest under section 176 of Cr.P.C.
(c) Tries an offender Summarily                                                                                                                                                       (d) To tender a pardon under section 306 of Cr.P.C.

40. Jurisdiction to grant bail under section 438 of criminal procedure code vests with:-
(a) Only High Court           (b) Only Sessions Court           (c) Magistrate        (d) High Court or Court of Sessions

41. A relevant confession will become irrelevant when :-
(a) Made to a police Officer      (b) Made under a promise of secrecy
(c) When the accused was drunk        (d) In consequence of a deception practised on the accused

42.Admissions are :-
(a) Conclusive proof      (b) May operate as estoppels       (c) Always irrelevant      (d) None of the above

43.A agrees, in writing to sell a horse to B for Rs. 1000 or Rs. 1500. To show which price was to be given:-
(a) Oral evidence can be given     (b) Antecedents of the parties are to be seen
(c) Oral evidence cannot be given      (d) None of the above

44.A is charged with travelling on a railway without a ticket. The burden of proving that A had a ticked is on :-
(a) Ticket Checker      (b) Railway      (c) A       (d) Prosecution

45.What is provision about an Accomplice :-
(a) He is not a competent witness       (b) His evidence is irrelevant
(c) His evidence should be believed blindly                                                                                                                                       (d) His evidence is neither illegal nor safe in view of S.114 and 13 3 of Evidence Act

46.What number of witnesses will be required for the proof of any fact :-
(a) No particular number       (b) At least one eye-witness
(c) Two witnesses with regard to documents      (d) One party and one witness

47.Leading question :-
(a) May be asked in examination in chief    (b) May be asked in cross examination
(c) May be asked in re-examination             (d) Cannot be asked in any circumstances

48.Which is not the main principle that underlines the law of evidence :-
(a) Evidence must be confined to the matter in issue      (b) Hearsay evidence must not be admitted
(c) Hearsay evidence must be admitted          (d) The best evidence must be given in all cases

49. A witness was asked whether he was not dismissed from a post for dishonesty. He denies it :-
(a) The evidence is admissible if it comes from plaintiff’s side
(b) The evidence is admissible if it comes defendant side
(c) The evidence is admissible (d) The evidence is inadmissible

50.When a party refuses to produce a document which he had notice to produce :-
(a) He cannot use the document as .evidence without the consent of opposite party or the order of the court              (b) Objection of opposite is worthless                   (c) Order of court not necessary
(d) Document will be deemed to be an admitted document.

51.Under section 34 of civil procedure code, Court can award interest from the date of decree to the date of payment or such earlier date as the court thinks fit. Rate of such interest shall not exceed…….. per annum.
(a) Nine percent            (b) Ten percent            (c) Six percent           (d) Twelve percent

52.Any amount which a court will order to be paid as compensatory costs in respect of false or vaxatious claims or defences, shall not exceed the amount of-
(a) Two thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction.
(b) Three thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisdiction whichever is less.
(c) Four thousand rupees or the amount within its pecu-niaryjurisduction, whichever is less.
(d) Five thousand rupees or the amount within its pecuniary jurisduction, whichever is less.

53.During the proceeding of execution of a decree, a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the representative of a party such question shall be determined by:-
(a) The court which passed the decree             (b) The court executing the decree
(c) The appellate court            (d) A separate suit

54.A judgment debtor is arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money and the judgement-debtor pays the amount of the decree and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer :-
(a) Shall send the judgment debtor to civil prison.        (b) Shall take judgment debtor to the court.
(c) Shall at once release him.                  (d) Shall release him after taking security from him.

55. Defendant in summary suit shall appear within ….days :–
(a) Thirty days           (b) Sixty days                (c) Ten days        (d) five days
56. A lets a house to B at a yearly rent of rupees five hundred. The rent for the whole of the years 1905,1906 and 1907 is due and unpaid, A sues B in 1908 only for the rent due for 1906 :-
(a) A can afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905
(b) A can afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1907
(c) A can afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905 and 1907 both
(d) A can not afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905 or 1907.

57.’A’ proposes by letter to sell a house to ‘B’ at a certain price. The communication of proposal is complete when :-
(a) ‘A’ puts letter in letter box           (b) ‘ B’ receives the letter                (c) ‘ B’ puts reply in letter box                                 (d) ‘A’ receives reply of ‘B’

58.’A’ sells by auction to ‘B’ a horse which ‘A’ knows to be unsound. ‘A’ says nothing to ‘B’ about the horse’s un-soundness. A does :-
(a) Fraud           (b) Misrepresentation             (c) No fraud             (d) Undue influence

59.After the passing of a decree for payment of money on the application of the judgement debtor, court shall not order that payment of the amount of decree shall be made by instalments :-
(a) Without recording evidence of both parties        (b) Without obtaining affidavits from both parties
(c) Without obtaining the documents regading the financial condition of the judgement debtor
(d) Without the consent of decree-holder.
60. A who is citizen of India commits murder in Uganda. He is arrested in Delhi. He can be tried and convicted of murder-
(a) Only in Uganda           (b) Only in that country of which the deceased was a citizen
(c) In any one of the above              (d) In Delhi

61.Which of the following punishments cannot be awarded under the Indian Penal code?
(a) Forfeiture of property            (b) Imprisonment with hard labour
(c) Transportation for life             (d) Death

62. A condition in gift depends upon the will of the donor is:-                                                                                                         (a) Is void        (b) Is valid         (c) Is void as the existing property       (d) Is void as the future property

63.Where both parties are under mistake as to matter of fact, the agreement will be :-
(a) Enforceable           (b) Voidable             (c) Not void              (d) Void

64.Which of the following statements is not correct:-
(a) No fact of which the court will take notice need be proved        (b) Facts admitted need not be proved
(c) All facts and the contents of documents may be proved by oral evidence
(d) Oral evidence must be direct
65. A witness who is unable to speak, gives his evidence by writing in Open Court, Evidence so given shall be deemed to be :-
(a) Oral evidence      (b) Documentary evidence          (c) Primary evidence        (d) Secondary evidence

66.What will be effect of mistakes at to law in force in India on the agreement :-
(a) Not voidable          (b) Voidable               (c) Void            (d) Not Void
67.A Promises, for no consideration, to give to B Rs. 1000 This agreement is :-
(a) Voidable             (b) Void             (c) Enforceable               (d) Not enforceable not being in writing

68.Agreements, the meaning of which is not certain or capable of being made certain are:-
(a) Voidable      (b) Ilegal           (c) Void        (d) Enforceable

69.Where no application is made and no time is specified for performance of promise there the agreement be performed within :-
(a) Three years                 (b) Two years                (c) One years                      (d) Reasonable Time

70. A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. This agreements is :-
(a) Void              (b) Voidable             (c) Enforceable               (d) Valid and enforceable in Bengal

71.In case of an alternative promise one branch of which is legal and the other illegal:-
(a) Both branches will be enforceable             (b) The legal branch alone can be enforced
(c) No branch is enforceable             (d) None of the above

72. A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. Whether A is entitled for reimbursement from the property of B:-
(a) No               (b) Yes, if the value of property is more than one lakh             (c) Yes            (d) None of the above

73.A saves B’s property from fire, Circumstances show that he intended to act gratuitously, Whether A is entitled for compensation from B:-
(a) Yes             (b) Not from B, but from Government            (c) Not from B, but from his heirs       (d) No

74. A the captain of B’s ship, signs of bill of lading without having received on board the goods mentioned therin, As between B and pretended consignor is concerned the bill of lading are :-
(a) Void          (b) Voidable             (c) Enforceable              (d) None of the above

75. Dishonestly dealt under ……IPC  :-                                                                                                                                                  (a) S.24 IPC           b) S.23 IPC            c) S.25 IPC               d) S.26 IPC

76. Fasli year begins :-                                                                                                                                                                                (a) 1st January          (b) 1st June         (c) 1st July          (d) None

77. Property can be transferred:-
a) Orally         b) Document             c) Orally unless requires to be writing            d) Choice of parties

78. The Liability of surety arises:
a) Failure of debtor        b) co-extensive of debtor         c) No liability        d) none

79. In Examination – in – chief Leading questions can be asked provided they are :-
(a) Duly proved      (b) Introductory      (c) Undisputed     (d) All the above
80.On transfer for his benefit an unborn person acquires vested interest :-
(a) Upon his birth         (b) After one week of his birth          (c) After twelve days of his birth                                            (d) There is no such provision in law

81.Rule of lis pendents is applicable to suits for specific performance of contracts to transfer the immovable property. This statements is :-
(a) False            (b) True          (c) Partly true             (d) Depends on the facts of each case

82.In case of a gift if the donee must accept the gift: –
(a) During the life time of the donor         (b) He is competent to contract
(c) He must be have transferrable right over the property         (d) All the above

83.Transfer of property Act has no relation with:-
(a) Air            (b) Water        (c) Light             (d) All of these

84. Fraudulent transfer is :-
(a) Void              (b) illegal            (c) Immoral               (d) Voidable

85. Sale is a transfer of ownership in exchange for a price:-
(a) paid      (b) promised            (c) part paid and part promised         (d) all of the above

86. Under Indian Evidence Act, a document required by law to be attested can be proved by calling :-
(a) Both the attesting witnesses         (b) At least one of the attesting witness
(c) Any other person          (d) A legal heir of the attesting witness

87.Which is not the immoveable property:-                                                                                                                                  (a) A lease of land             (b) Growing crops           (c) A right of way                                                                                          (d) A life interest in the income of immoveable property

88.What kind of property is transferable :-

(a) Right to re-entry         (b) Public Office         (c) Any kind of property if not prohibited by law            (d) Pension

89.What kind of transfer may be made orally :-
(a) Gift of immoveable property             (b) Transfer of actionable claim
(c) Sale of immoveable property of value upward Rs. 100              (d) Surrender of lease

90.Whether a transfer can be made in favour of an unborn person:-
(a) Yes, by machinery of trust                (b) yes                (c) Guardian has got to be appointed first
(d) None of the above

91.When does an unborn person acquire vested interest on transfer :-
(a) As soon as he is born         (b) On attaining majority        (c) On attanining 21 years     (d) After marriage, if female

92.A lets to B a farm on the condition that B shall walk 100 miles in an hour, Lease is :-
(a) Voidable         (b) Void                   (c) Valid                 (d) Enforceable

93.A has let his house at a rent of Rs. 100 payable on the last date of each month. A sells house to B on the 15th June. On 30th June what will be apportionment :-
(a) A will get Rs. 100            (b) B will get Rs. 100               (c) Rs.50 to A & Rs.50 to B
(d) The tenant will be exempted from payment of rent of that month

94.Which is not the ingredient of section 53(A) of T.P.Act :-
(a) Agreement for transfer        (b) Consideration         (c) Transferee has performed his part
(d) Moveable property

95.Whether simple mortgage must always be registered:-
(a) Yes            (b) If value of property is more than Rs. 100
(c) Registration not necessary               (d) None of the above

96. Private alienation of attached property is                                                                                                                                (a) Void                  (b) Valid                   (c) Voidable                (d) Discretion of the court

97.In absence of contract or local law or usage to the contrary a lease of immoveable property shall be deemed to be….. in case of agriculture leases:-
(a) Month to month               (b) Bimonthly               (c) Year to Year             (d) Biannual

98.A gives a lakh of rupees to B, reserving to himself, with B’s assent the right to take back Rs. 10,000 at pleasure out of that amount This gift is :-
(a) Absolutely Valid            (b) Absolutely Invalid
(c) This cannot be said to a gift                  (d) Holds good as to Rs. 90,000 but it is void as to Rs. 10,000

99.In criminal proceeding the fact that the accused is of good character is :-
(a) Relevant               (b) Irrelevant                (c) Unrebuttable                 (d) None of these

100.What is the prescribed age to testify facts before court?                                                                                                      (a) 18 years              (b) No age is prescribed               (c) Seven years        (d) twenty one



Dear Students,

It is known to all that for the first time High court of Hyderabad included A.P.Land Encroachment Act in Jr.Civil Judge Exam syllabus. As such, there have been repeated requests from students to give rough idea about this Act. The same is hereunder along with bare act. 



The object of this Act is to provide measures for checking unauthorised occupation of Government lands and to protect the government property. This is done by the imposition of penal assessment or by subjecting unauthorised occupants to summary eviction.

The Act extends to the entire State of Andhra Pradesh including Schedule Areas.

This Act consists of fourteen sections. They are as follows:

     1)  Short title and extent

        1-A. Definitions:-   a) Collector       b) Deputy Tahsildar      c) Tahsildar

     2)  Right of Property in public roads, etc, waters and lands.

     3)  Levy of assessment on lands unauthorizedly occupied.

    4)  Conclusiveness of decision as to amount of assessment.

    5)  Liability of person unauthorized!y occupying land to penalty after notice.

    6)  Liability of person unauthorizedly occupying land to summary eviction, forfeiture of crops, etc.

    7)  Prior notice to person in occupation.

     7-A. Encroachment by group of persons on Government lands and their eviction.

  8)  Power to make rules.

  9)  Recovery of assessment or penalty levied as arrears of land revenue.

  10)  Appeal.

  11)  Limitation of appeal.

  12)  Document accompanying petition of appeal.

      12-A.  Power of Government to call for records and pass orders.

   13)  Saving of operation of other laws in force.

   14)  Bar of jurisdiction of Civil Courts.


What are the properties for which this law is applicable? What is government property?

 Ans: Government properties only. The term government property means all public roads, streets, lanes and paths, bridges, ditches, dykes and fences, on or beside the same, the bed of the sea and of harbours and creeks below high water mark, and of rivers, streams, nalas, lakes and tanks and all canals and water courses and all standing and flowing water and all lands situated are the property of the Government including Railway lands and land in Port limits. (Section 2(1)).All public roads and streets vested in any local authority shall be deemed to be the property of the Government. (Section 2(2))

What are the coercive tools available under the Act against unauthorized occupations?

Ans:  They are:       1) The imposition of assessment and penalty.

   2) summarily evicting the person in occupation.


What is the mode of recovery?

Ans: It may be recovered as arrears of land revenue under A.P.Revenue Recovery Act, 1864. (Section 9 of the Act)


What is the mode of assessment in respect of unauthorized occupations?

Ans: This is done by the Tahsildar. He levies assessment basing on two considerations. They are:

1) Village or town       2) Assessed or unassessed land.

What is the method of evicting unauthorised occupant?

Ans: He can be summarily evicted. Before taking proceedings under Section 5 or 6, service of Notice is a mandatory and it should contain specification of the land so occupied and calling on him to show cause before certain date why he should not be proceeded against him under Section 5 or 6. If such Notice is not obeyed, the eviction to be carried out after hearing objections if any filed. If he resists or obstructs the Tahsildar, may issue Warrant for the arrest of the said person for such a period not exceeding 30 days in order to prevent the continuance of such obstruction or resistance or may send him with a Warrant in form of schedule for imprisonment in the Civil Jail of the District for the like period. (Section 6 & 7of the Act). Authorities constituted under the Act cannot take eviction proceedings against person in unlawful and illegal encroachments of Government lands without following the procedure laid down under Section 6 & 7 of the Act. (K.R.Zilla Parishad High School Committee, Katur Vs. The State ofA.P., 1976(1) An WR 86).

Write a note about S.7-A of the Act?

Ans: Section 7- A of LE Act was introduced by means of an amendment in 1980. When a group of persons without entitlement and with a common objection of occupying and Government land occupy and do not vacate on demand by the Collector shall order without notice and immediate vacation of the encroachers and for taking possession of the land. Thereupon, the encroachers should be evicted from the land by force, taking such police assistance as may be necessary and take possession of the land. An order U/s 7-A of the Act for eviction so passed by the Collector shall be final and shall not be questioned in any Court. If any dispute arises as to whether any land is the property of the Government, such land shall be presumed to be the property of the Government until the contrary is proved.

 Is there any appellate forum against the order of Tahsildar?

Ans: yes, Appeal lies to the RDO against the orders of Tahsildar, to the District Collector against the orders of RDO and to the CCLA against the orders of District Collector otherwise than an Appeal. No Appeal shall be brought after the expiration of 60 days from the date of receipt of the copy of order. The District Collector and the CCLA have got revisional powers. (Sections 10, 11 & 12 of the Act). he Government have power to call for records and pass necessary orders. [Section 12(A)] .

What is the punishment provide for re-enter by unauthorisdely occupied person?

Ans: Any person who unauthorisedly re-enters and occupies land from which he was evicted, shall be punishable with imprisonment upto 6 months or with fine upto Rs.1000/- or with both. (Section 6 (3) of the Act)

Whether civil court has Jurisdiction?

Ans:  This Act provides Conclusiveness of decision as to amount of assessment payable under Section 3 shall not be questioned in any Civil Court. (Section 4 of the Act). Further,   no decision made or order passed under this Act except proceeding effecting the title to the land of a person shall be called in question before Civil Court. (Section 14 of the Act)



       1) Short title and extent:

This Act may be cited as the Andhra Pradesh Land Encroachment Act, 1935. It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

          1-A. Definitions:

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

  • “Collector” means any officer incharge of a revenue division and includes a Deputy Collector, a Sub-Collector and an Assistant Collector.
  • “Deputy Tahsildar” means the Deputy Tahsildar in independent charge of a Taluk or Sub-Taluk, the dependent Deputy Tahsildar of a Sub-Taluk, or the Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar, in whose jurisdiction the land is situated and includes a Special Deputy Tahsildar.]
  • “Tahsildar” means the Tahsildar in whose jurisdiction the land is situate and includes Special Tahsildar.

     2) Right of Property in public roads, etc, waters and lands:

(1) All public roads, streets, lanes and paths, the bridges, ditches, dikes and fences, on or beside the same, the bed of the sea and of harbours and creeks below high water mark, and of rivers, streams, nallas, lakes and tanks, and all canals and water-courses, and all standing and flowing water, and all lands, wherever situated, save in so far as the same are the property

a) of any Zamindar, poligar, mittadar, jagirdars, shrortriemdar or any person claiming through or holding under any of them, or

b) of any, person paying shist, Kattubadi, jodi, poruppu or quit-rent to any of the aforesaid persons, or

c) of any person holding under ryotwari tenure, or in any way subject to the payment of land-revenue direct to Government, or

d) of any other registered holder of land in proprietary right, or.

e) of any other person holding land under grant from the Government otherwise than by way of licence and, as to ands, save also in so far as they are temple sites or owned as housesite or backyard, are and are hereby declared to be the property of Government except as may be otherwise provided by any law for the time being in force, subject always to all rights of way and other public rights and to the natural and easement rights of other land owners, and to all customary rights legally subsisting.

 (2) All public roads and streets vested in any local authority shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be the property of Government.

Explanation: In this section “high water mark” means the highest point reached by ordinary spring tides at any session of the year. Government, as the owner of the public streets and appurtenances there to, can vest them in any Municipality and withdraw the control from them. Government is a necessary party in suits of declaration of such sites.


   3)  Levy of assessment on lands unauthorizedly occupied:

       (1) Any person who shall unauthorizedly occupy any land which is the property of Government shall be liable to pay by way of assessment.

i)if the land so occupied forms an assessed survey number or part thereof, the full assessment of such number for the whole period of his occupation or a part thereof proportionate to the area occupied, as the case maybe, provided that, for special reasons, the Collector or subject to his control, the Tahsildar may impose the full assessment of such number or any lesser sum irrespective of the area occupied.

(i) if the land so occupied be unassessed, an assessment on the area occupied calculated for the same period at the rate imposed on lands of a similar quality in the neighbourhood, or at the highest dry or wet rate of the village, as the case may be, or when no such rates exist in such manner as maybe prescribed in rules or orders under Section 8: Provided that payment of assessment under this sub-section shall not confer any right of occupancy.

Explanation: For the purposes of this sub-section occupation for an incomplete portion of a fasli may be deemed to be occupation for a whole fasli.

    (2) In the case of any class of land which is ordinarily granted on lease or licence, the Government may levy, in addition to the assessment imposed under sub-section (1), a further sum equivalent to the annual rent or fee which would normally be realisable thereon.

    4) Conclusiveness of decision as to amount of assessment: The decision as to the rate or amount of assessment, rent or fee, payable under Section 3 shall be recorded in writing and shall not be questioned in any civil court.

     5) Liability of person unauthorized!y occupying land to penalty after notice: Any person liable to pay assessment under Section 3 shall also be liable at the discretion of the Collector or subject to his control, the Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar to pay in addition by way of penalty.

 (i)  if the land be an assessed land, a sum not exceeding five rupees or, when ten times the assessment payable for one year under Section 3 exceeds five rupees, a sum not exceeding ten times such assessment, provided that no penalty shall ordinarily be imposed in respect of the unauthorized occupation of such land for any period not exceeding one year; (ii) if the land been assessed, a sum not exceeding ten rupees, or when twenty times the assessment payable for one year under

Section 3 exceeds ten rupees, a sum not exceeding twenty times such assessment.

     6) Liability of person unauthorizedly occupying land to summary eviction, forfeiture of crops, etc.:

      (1) Any person unauthorizedly occupying any land for which he is liable to pay assessment under Section 3 may be summarily evicted by the Collector, Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar, and any crop or other product raised on the land shall be liable to forfeiture and any building or other construction erected or anything deposited thereon shall also, if not removed by him after such written notice as the Collector, Tahsildar or Deputy

Tashildar may deem reasonable, be liable to forfeiture. Forfeitures under this section shall be adjudged by the Collector, Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar and any property so forfeited shall be disposed of as the Collector, Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar may direct.

   (2) Mode of eviction: An eviction under this section shall be made in the following manner, namely: By serving a notice in the manner provided in Section 7 on the person reputed to be in occupation or his agent requiring him within such time as the Collector, Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar may deem reasonable after receipt of the said notice to vacate the land, and if such notice is not obeyed, by removing or deputing a subordinate to remove any person who may refuse to vacate the same, and if the officer removing any such person shall be resisted or obstructed by any person, the Collector shall hold a summary inquiry into the facts of the case, and if satisfied that the resistance or obstruction was without any just cause and that such resistance or obstruction shall continue, may issue a warrant for the arrest of the said person and on his appearance commit him to close custody in the office of the Collector or of any Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar for such period not exceeding 30 days as may be necessary to prevent the continuance of such obstruction or resistance or may send him with a warrant in the form of the schedule for imprisonment in the civil jail of the district for the like period: Provided that no person so committed or imprisoned under this section shall be liable to be prosecuted under Sections 183, 186or 188 of the Indian Penal Code in respect of the same facts.

  (3) Any person who unauthorized by re-enters and occupies any land from which he was evicted under this section, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or with both.”

    7) Prior notice to person in occupation: Before taking proceedings under Section 5 or Section 6 the Collector or Tahsildar, or Deputy Tahsildar, as the case may be, shall cause to be served on the person reputed to be in unauthorised occupation of land being the property of Government, a notice specifying the land so occupied and calling on him to show cause before a certain date why he should not be proceeded against under Section 5 or Section 6. Such notice shall be served in the manner prescribed in Section 25 the Andhra Pradesh Revenue Recovery Act, 1864, (Act II of 1864) or in such other manner as the State Government by rules or order under Section 8 may direct.

      7-A. Encroachment by group of persons on Government lands and their eviction:

       (1) Where the District Collector knows or has reason to believe that a group or groups of persons without any entitlement and with the common object of occupying any land, which is the property of the Government, are occupying or have occupied any such land, and if such group or groups of persons have not vacated the land on demand by the District Collector or any officer authorised by him in this behalf, the District Collector shall, notwithstanding anything in this Act, order without any notice, the immediate eviction of the encroacher from the land and the taking of possession of the land; and there upon it shall be lawful for any officer authorised by the District Collector in this behalf to evict the encroachers from the land by force, taking such police assistance as maybe necessary, and take possession of the land:

(2) Where, in any proceedings taken und r this section, or in consequence of anything done under this section, a question arises as to whether any land is the property of the Government, such land shall be presumed to be the property of the Government until the contrary is proved. Notwithstanding anything in this Act, but subject to the provisions of Section 12- A, any order of eviction passed by the District Collector under sub-section (1) shall be final and shall not be questioned in any Court.

    8) Power to make rules: The State Government may make rules or orders either generally or in any particular instance

a) regulating the rates of assessment, rent or fee leviable under Section 3:

b) regulating the imposition of penalties under Section 5:

c) declaring that any particular land or class of lands which are the property of Government shall not be open to occupation:

 d) regulating the service of notices under this Act. Such general rules or orders shall be made only after previous publication.

     9) Recovery of assessment or penalty levied as arrears of land revenue: The amount of assessment, rent, fee and penalty imposed under this Act on any person unauthorizedly occupying any land shall be deemed to be land revenue and may be recovered from him as arrears of land revenue under the provisions of the A.P Revenue Recovery Act, 1864.

     10) Appeal:  An appeal shall lie

 (a) to the Collector from any decision or order passed by a Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar under this Act.

     (b) to the District Collector from any decision or order of a Collector passed otherwise than 5 on appeal.

(c) to the Board of Revenue from any decision or order of a District Collector passed otherwise than on appeal.

There shall be no appeal against a decision or order passed by the Collector or the District Collector on appeal, but the District Collector may revise any decision or order passed by a Deputy Tahsildar or Collector under this Act and the Board of Revenue may revise any decision or order passed by any officer under this Act.

Pending the disposal of any appeal or petition for revision under this Act, the District Collector or the Board of Revenue as the case may be, may suspend the execution of the order appealed against or sought to be revised.

     11) Limitation of appeal I No appeal shall be brought after the expiration of sixty days from the date of decision or order complained of provided that in computing the period of sixty days, the time required to obtain a copy of the decision or order appealed against shall be excluded, but the appeal may be admitted after the period hereby prescribed when the appellant satisfies the authority to whom he appeals that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within the prescribed period.

    12) Document accompanying petition of appeal: Every petition of appeal under this Act shall be accompanied by the decision or order appealed against or by an authenticated copy of the same.


    12-A. Power of Government to call for records and pass orders:

      (1) The State Government may, in their discretion, at any time, either suo motu or an application made to them, call for and examine, the records relating to any decision or order passed or proceeding taken by any authority or officer subordinate to them under this Act for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or propriety of such decision or order, as to the regularity of such proceeding and pass such proceeding and pass such order in reference thereto as they think fit.

     (2) The State Government may stay the execution of any such decision, order or proceeding pending the exercise of their powers under sub-section (1) in respect thereof [Inserted by Section 10 of the A. P. Land Encroachment (Extn. and Admt.) Act, 1958 {A.P. Act XXV of 1958).


     13) Saving of operation of other laws in force: Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as exempting any person unauthorisedly occupying land from libility to be proceeded against under any law for the time being in force : Provided that if any penalty has been levied from any person under Section 5 of this Act, no similar penalty shall be levied from him under any other law in respect of such occupation.

     14) Bar of jurisdiction of Civil Courts: No decision made or order passed or proceeding taken by any officer or authority or the State Government under this Act, not being a decision, order or proceeding affecting the title to the land of a person, shall be called in question before a civil court in any suit, application or other proceeding and no injunction shall be granted by any court in respect of any proceeding taken or about to be taken by such officer or authority or State Government in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act.

Free Guidance for Jr.Civil Judge Screening Exam (Dated: 12/7/15)


Dear Aspirant for Junior Civil Judge,

It is needless to state that one has to qualify Jr.Civil Judge Screening Exam to write Mains exam.  It is also to known to one and all that the kind and nature of questions in Jr.Civil Judge screening exam are more inclined towards practical approach rather academic approach.  Apart from that paucity of time for answering these questions, quantum of syllabus, increased competition for this prime job made qualifying for Jr.Civil Judge Mains a very tough affair.  This mandates experienced guidance.  Therefore, PALSAR because of its rich practical and academic experience proposes to help you to address the above challenge with more ease and pace.  So, it has come up with ten days free guidance course. We request students to register you names for admission into course much before the actual commencement of classes.  The details of the course are hereunder:

1Course DurationTen days (26/06/2015 to 05/07/2015)
2Class TimingsEvery Day 07:00AM to 10:30AM
3Course Fee NIL
4Registration fee Registration Fee Rs.1000/-(Rupees One Thousand only).
5Reading materialExclusive free reading material will be supplied. Students are advised to carry Bare Acts to the class every day.
6FacultyLook to PALSAR website
7Hostel FacilityIt will be shown
8Contact Phone numbers9441294226, 9848935121, 9985223760
9Place of Class C.Babaiaha Complex, Opp: Sai Baba Temple, DilshukNagar, Hyd.




(PALSAR’s Five days classes on AIBE-VIII from 17/5/2015 to 22/5/2015)

Timings 09:00AM to 1;00PM

Dear Students,

We shall remind you that it is not only an open book exam but also qualifying exam. Thus securing forty marks must be your goal.  Further, we shall tell you that you need not by-heart sections or case laws or read entire syllabus prescribed for the exam. So, just, take notice of following guide lines and prepare accordingly. During our five days course we clearly discuss and explain important areas from which questions will be asked. Apart from that from we help students to identify these areas with the aid of colour markers and flags in their bare acts and PALSAR’s reading material. This will act as a ready reference in the exam hall.

 Important Guidelines: 

       1)  Concentrate primarily on following Subjects only as they carry more than sixty marks. They are: CPC, 1908, Cr.P.C, 1973, Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Indian Penal Code, 1860, Law of Contracts, Transfer of Property, Specific Relief Act, 1963, Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Law of Limitation, 1963, Law of Tort and Consumer Law, Jurisprudence, ADR and Arbitration, Family law.

2Law of Limitation02
6Evidence Act,187208
7Law of Tort and Consumer Law06
8Law of Contracts, Transfer of Property, Specific Relief Act, 1963, Negotiable Instruments Act,188115
9Arbitration and ADR04
10Family Law02
 Total61    Marks

    2)  Carry Only Bare Acts of these Subjects (Identify or mark important definition given in interpretation clauses and important areas with marker).

       3)  Carry PALSAR Read Material.

      4)  Please read objective questions and answers given in the PALSAR reading material at least five times.

      5)  Please read Problems and solutions given in PALSAR reading material.

      6)  Don’t forget to read thoroughly interpretation clauses from the above laws.

      7)  Don’t focus much on Case laws.

              Plz… read objective questions and answers given in the reading material and interpretation clauses from   the        above laws again and again and We are sure success will be at your feet.

Thank you,

Good Luck




Dear friends,

Having seen the overwhelming response from the students across the country, PALSAR wants to post ideally answers to some of the important questions asked in Civil Judge exam. We will post one question every day in the WEBSITE.



1.What is the mode of proof of WILL?

A: Will is a compulsorily attestable document as per S.63 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925. Registration is optional. The law relating to proving the contents of the WILL is dealt under S.68 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.  As per S.68 of Evidence Act, the court to read a WILL as a part of the evidence, one of the attesstor shall be examined as witness. However, if such attesting witness is dead or can’t be subject to the process of the court or not capable of giving evidence, WILL can be proved in any of the below mentioned ways: They are dealt under S.69 to 71. The aid of S.69 to 71 can be taken only upon exhausting the rule laid down u/s.68.

 S.69 says if the attesting witness is not available, the attestation of one attesting witness can be proved by other evidence in his hand writing.

S.71 says If the attesting witness denies or doesn’t recollect the execution of the document; its execution may be proved by other evidence (As per S.67 Evidence Act).

S.70: If a party to an attested document has admitted the execution of the document.

2. Write a note on Expert Opinion?                                                                                                                

Ans: It is dealt under S.45 & 46.  A case can be proved with the aid of expert opinion as it is declared as relevant fact under S.45 of the Evidence Act.  The opinion of a person who is an expert in any of the following subjects is a relevant fact. The subjects are like this: Opinion as to: a) Foreign law b) Science c) Art d) Identity of handwriting or finger impression. Expert opinion shall be supported by reasons. Expert opinion doesn’t bind the court, thus it is not a conclusive in nature. The expert opinion shall be received like any other evidence and it is only an advisory opinion.


3.What are essentials of Dying Declaration and mode of recording it?

Meaning of Dying Declaration: It is a relevant fact in view of S.32 (1) of the Evidence Act 1872. Dying Declaration is a statement made by a person at the time or before the time of his death as to cause of his death or circumstances relating to cause of his death. As the person who made such Dying declaration is no longer available, the person in whose presence such statement was made can testify the facts about the death of the deceased even though he didn’t perceive by his own senses.  Thus Dying Declaration is one of the exceptions to the Hearsay rule of evidence.

Evidentiary Value of D.D: It’s a substantive piece of evidence. Once the court is satisfied that the D.D was true, voluntary and not influenced by any extraneous consideration, and feels convinced about the trustworthiness of the statement which may inspire confidence it can base its conviction without any corroboration. If the person didn’t die and he is alive his statement can be used for contradiction U/S.145 or U/S 157 of the IEA.

Mode of recording: The mode of recording D.D is spelled out under R.33 of Criminal rules of practice.

  1. D.D may be oral or written. It can be recorded by any person including a police officer depending upon the urgency. If time permits it is always desirable to get the services of the Magistrate to record D.D as it has its own value. If it is in the hospital the certificate of the medical officer about the mental condition is necessary.
  2. D.D must be of a person who is competent to testify as a witness, if alive.
  3. There is no particular method of recording a D.D. It is desirable to record it in a question and answer and the answers be written in the words of the person making the declaration. It must be complete.
  4. The statement must be read over and the signature or thumb impression has to be obtained .The time of recording shall be noted.
  5. The court is obliged to rule out the possibility of the statement being the result of tutoring, prompting or vindictive or a product of the imagination.


3.Write a note on Character evidence?
Ans: The general rule is Character evidence is irrelevant either in civil or criminal cases except under certain situations. They are expressly dealt under S. 51 to 54 of Evidence Act,1872.
Civil Cases (S.51 & 54): It is irrelevant except in two conditions. They are: a) Character itself is in issue, b) If it mitigates affects the amount of damages to be awarded.
Criminal Cases (S.52 & 53): Evidence of good character is relevant. Evidence of bad character is not relevant except under two conditions: a) When it is itself a fact in issue b) To rebut the evidence of good character.


4.What is identification parade?

Ans: Identification Parade: Facts establishing the identity of a person is a relevant fact u/s 9 of IEA. When the accused person is arrested on the basis of physical features given by the eye witness, police arranges the test of identification parade. The object of conducting Identification parade is to test the truthfulness of the witness and his capability to identify an unknown person whom the witness seen only once. The mode and manner of conducting test identification parade is spelled out under Rule.34 of A.P.Criminal rules of Practice.

  1. Identification parade is conducted in the presence of judicial Magistrate and the police have to leave the scene to ensure the free and fair conducting of Identification Parade,
  2. Suspected person will be placed among the other persons who have same physical characters of the accused as far as possible,
  3. Then the Magistrate calls the witness to identify the accused person to whom he had seen while committing the offense,
  4. If the eye witness identifies the accused and picks up the person to whom he had seen while committing the offense, the Magistrate records to that effect and he completes the proceedings. Later witness will be called by court at the time of trial to identify the accused person.

Evidentary value: It is not a substantive piece of evidence. It has only corroborative and contradictory value.


5.Point out difference between admissions and confessions.

It is defined in S.17 of IEA. Admission is acknowledgment of liability.Confession  is  not  defined  in  the Act. It is an admission of Criminal liability.
It is not conclusive proofJudicial confession is a conclusive proof
All admissions are not confessionsAll confessions are admissions
It  is  made  both  in  criminal  andThey  are  made  only  in  criminal cases
civil cases
They  can  be  made  on  behalf  ofIt  must  be  made  by  the  accused
Admission can be made by person againstConfession can be made by accused only
whom it must be proved or by his agent.


5.Write note Resgestae?

Resgestae:  Facts even though they are not in issue but if they are so connected as to form part of the same transaction they are relevant whether they occur at the same time and place or at different times and places. Transaction means an unbroken event. Example:- A is accused of the murder of B by beating him whatever was said or done by A or B or the by standers at the beating, or so shortly before or after it as to form part of the same transaction is a relevant fact.


6. What is the mode of Proving a document?

Mere filing of original document would not enable the court to read the contents there in the document unless any one of the following person as listed under S.67 come as witness. They are: 1) By calling a person who signed or wrote the document (2) By calling a person in whose presence the document was signed or written (3) By calling a handwriting expert (4) By calling a handwriting expert (5) By circumstantial evidence (6) By calling a person acquainted with the hand writing of the executant.

The above rule spelled out u/S.67 doesn‘t apply in case of public documents. The Public Documents are admitted in evidence as exception to the hearsay rule as the facts contained in them are made by the authorized or competent agents of state in discharge of their public duties.



  • Intensive and extensive focus on previous Mains Exam Questions and Answers
  • We train students with superb techniques to present answer qualitatively, suitably and impressively at good speed. (Special classes on English writing and speaking skills).
  • Regular exams so as to assess and guide students ability to present answer in a proper way
  • Teaches proven techniques for success in Written exam
  • Entire Syllabus will be covered both extensively and intensively in a very interesting, lucid and vivid manner with practical insight and examples.
  • Material: Thoroughly researched answers to previous Mains exam Questions and special articles on wide variety of important legal concepts, for an insightful and broad understanding of the subject.
  • Faculty includes former Judges, Ex-Faculty of A.P. Judicial Academy, A.P. Police Academy and NALSAR University.



Time: 02 hours

1. A decree becomes final
(a) when it conclusively determines the rights of the parties
(b) when no appeal has been preferred against the decree
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b).


2. The reappreciation of evidence in second appeal
(a) is subject to review (b) is permissible (c) is not permissible (d) is an admitted fact.


3. Foreign court judgment is
(a) Binding on Indian courts (b) Not binding
(c) Binding subject to clause (a) to (f) of S.13 of CPC (d) Discretion of the court


4. Preliminary decree can be passed in a suit
(a) for partition (b) of partnership (c) for possession and mesne profits (d) all the above.


5. Which of the following is not a decree
(a) dismissal in default (b) rejection of a plaint (c) both (a) & (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b).


6. Foreign court under section 2(5) of means
(a) a court situated outside India
(b) a court situated outside India and not established under the authority of Government of India
(c) a court situated in India applying foreign law (d) all the above.


7. Legal representative under section 2(11) of CPC means a person who is a
(a) Relative of parties to the suit (b) co-sharer of the benefits assuming to parties to the suit
(c) who in law represents the estate of the deceased (d) all the above.


8. A judgment contains
(a) concise statement of the case (b) the points for determination
(c) the decision on the points of determinations & the reason thereof (d) all the above.


9. Match the Following:
I. Interest ( ) (a) S.34 CPC,1908
II. Costs ( ) (b) S.35 CPC,1908
III. Incidental proceedings ( ) (c) S.75 CPC,1908
IV. Supplementary proceedings ( ) (d) S.94 CPC,1908
C D A B      A B C D        A C B D     D B C A


10. The pecuniary Jurisdiction of Jr.Civil Judge court is
(a) Below One Lakh (b) Below Two Lakh (c) Below Three Lakh (d) Below Five Lakh