20 . Where there is a conflict between marshalling and contribution, Sec.82 of the Transfer of Property Act provides that

a) Contribution prevails b) Marshalling prevails

c) Subrogation prevails d) None of the above.




21 . An agreement not supported by consideration is called

a) Nudum Pactum b) Consensus Ad Idem

c) Quid Pro Quo d) Noscitur A Sociis


22 . For his commission or remuneration, an agent has

a) General lien    b) Particular lien

c) No lien at all  d) None of the above.



  1. A time barred debt can be claimed as
  2. a) Counter claim b) Fresh suit c) Set off    d) None of the above.



24 . The offence of conspiracy is complete as soon as the parties have agreed to do an illegal act. This is

a) True b) Partly True c) False   d) None of the above.



25 . How many types of punishments are prescribed in the IPC:

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5          d) 6



26. The use of force by itself will not convert the theft into robbery.

a) True b) Partly True c) False     d) None of the Above.



27 . The Protection  officer under the Domestic Violence Act works under the control and supervision of the

a) District Collector b) Family Court

c) Magistrate d) State Government.



28 . The burden of proof as to ownership under the Indian Evidence Act lies on:

a) The owner b)The tenant

c) The person who asserts it d)In all these



29 . An appeal under the AP Land Encroachment Act shall be made ordinarily before the expiry of

a) 30 days of the date of the order b) 60 days of the date of the order

c) 90 days of the date of the order d) 120 days of the date of the order.



  1. Threat to commit suicide is

a) Coercion b) Undue influence

c) Misrepresentation d) Intimidation



31 . Assault can be caused by

a) Mere words b) Mere gestures c) Mere preparations   d) None of these.



32 . Where consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the contract is

a) Valid

b) Voidable at the option of the party, whose consent was so caused. c) Void Ab Initio  d) None of the above.



  1. The transfer of property pending suit is hit by the

a) Doctrine of lis pendens b) Doctrine of subjudice

c)Doctrine of subrosa         d) Doctrine of res judicata



  1. Which of the following is not a decree?

a) Rejection of a plaint b)  Dismissal for default

c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above.



35 . Does a party to the suit have a right to summon the opposite party to give evidence?   a) Yes     b) No  c) None of the above



  1. Can the court examine witnesses before framing of issues?

a) Yes b) No    c) Never   d)None of the above


37 . In which of the following cases the Supreme Court held that delay in pronouncing the judgment amounts to denial of justice?

a) Surendra Singh Vs. State of UP

b) Anil Rai Vs. State of Bihar

c) State of UP Vs. Chandra Bhushan d) None of the above.



38 . Can the Court allow the party to summon a witness, whose name is not included in the witness list?

a) Yes b) No c) Never  d)None of the above.



39 . Normally, the plaintiff, who succeeds, would be entitled to mesne profits for the period of

a) One year b)Two years c)Three years   d)Four years



40 . Whether in suit for specific performance, a third party to contract claiming independent title and possession is entitled to add as party to suit to adjudicate his case?

a)Yes     b)No    c)Sometimes   d) (a) And (c).


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