Max Marks: 80



  1. All questions are compulsory
  2. All questions carry equal marks
  3. Write your name and Phone number


Civil Law

  1. Write a short note on the following:

1) Doctrine of Quantum Meruit 2) Will-full default


  1. Distinguish between the following:

1) Relevant fact and fact in issue 2) License and Lease


III. Comment about the following:

1) Once a Mortgagor is always a mortgagor

2) Having a legal right and right to sue are not one and the same


  1. Write about the following:

1)  Explain about Inherent Jurisdiction of a Civil court?

2)  How to prove an attested document especially WILL?


Criminal Law

  1. Write a short note on the following:

1)  Expert Opinion  2) S.313 Cr.P.C


  1. Distinguish between the following:

1) Robbery by theft and Robbery by Extortion

2)  Warrant case and Summons case


III. Comment about the following:

1) Cognizance and Cognizable case are two different words

2)  Every kind of intoxication exempts a person from criminal liability


IV. Write about the following:

1) Write a about Right of Private defense

2) Write about s.41A Cr.P.C?




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