12th September, 2006


Time: 03 hours                                                           Max. Marks 100

All Questions are compulsory and all questions carry equal marks.


  1. Write a Judgment briefly stating reasons w.r.t the material supplied
  2. It’s a question of limitation.
  3. What is temporary injunction? B) What is a perpetual injunction c) What are the cases in which the court can’t grant an injunction?


  1. a) Write a short S.80 of CPC ?
  2. b) Plaintiff filed a suit against the government after issuing notice under S.80 of CPC on the basis of events that took place subsequent to the institution of the suit and based on the completely new cause of action plaintiff sought amendment of the plaint. It was allowed. Whether a fresh notice under S.80 of CPC for the plaintiff being entitled to the relief based on the amended cause of action is necessary or not. Explain with reasons.


  1. a) What is primary evidence b) What is secondary evidence c) what are the cases in which secondary evidence is permitted?


  1. a) Write a short note on the following:
  2. a) Onerous gift b) Universal donee c) Mortgage d) Sale e) Lease f) Gift g) Actionable claim


  1. C, a company registered under the provisions of the companies Act having the registered office at Delhi and branch office at Vizag entered into agreement to purchase the house belonging to A at Vizag the agreement, internal, provided that in case of any dispute between the parties relating to the said agreement only the courts at Delhi but no other court, will have jurisdiction to entertain the suit. C performed its part of the contract. A refused to execute the sale deed and alleged that he terminated the agreement. C filed a suit for specific performance of the contract the agreement between it and A in Delhi court. A resisted the suit on the basis ground that Delhi court has no jurisdiction. The contention of the C is that in view of the agreement conferring jurisdiction on Delhi only. As per S.20 of CPC the suit filed in the Delhi court is maintainable. Whether the Delhi Court has jurisdiction to entertain the suit. Explain the reasons.


  1. a) Can a transfer of property be made directly to an unborn person?
  2. b) What are the rights of the bonafide transfer of immovable properties under defective title for the improvements made by him on such property?
  3. c) Explain the doctrine of part performance


  1. a) What are prayers to be contained in an application filed under Rule.10 of Order 1 CPC, Rule 17 of Order 6, Order 22 of CPC and as per A.P.Civil rules of Practice and what is the result if such prayers are not made?
  2. b) How a document sought to be exhibited in evidence can be marked by the courts as per A.P.Civil rules of Practise and circular order, 1990?
  3. c) What is the procedure to be followed by third parties to a suit for inspecting or obtaining copies of documents in courts?
  4. d) What is the Procedure to be followed for production of records in the custody of a public officer other than a court?


  1. a)When can the executing court order for arrest and detention of a judgment debtor in the execution of a money decree?
  2. b) What are the properties liable to and from exempt from attachment?
  3. c) What are the grounds on which Judgment debtor ordered to be arrested can be released?


  1. What is meant by Jurisdiction of courts? How many kinds of Jurisdictions are there?



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