28th October, 2007

Time: 03 hours                                                     Max. Marks 100

All Questions are compulsory and all questions carry equal marks.



1 a) Who are the persons that can file a petition under section 125 Cr.P.C for maintenance and against whom, and what is the procedure to be adopted by the magistrate and what is the maximum amount of maintenance that can be awarded thereunder?


  1. a)When can a court take cognizance of an offence punishable under S.138 of Negotiable Instruments Act?
  2. b) Whether the Directors of a Company can be prosecuted for an offence committed by the company under the Negotiable Instruments Act?


  1. What are the Seven General Exceptions in Chapter IV of IPC? Illustrate.


  1. Whether Criminal Court can review its Judgment or order, after it is signed? Explain with reasons?
  2. b) Explain the difference between discharge and acquittal?


  1. What is a leading question and when it cannot be asked?


  1. What is the evidentiary value of the report of the test identification parade prepared by a Magistrate?


  1. Write Short notes on:
  2. a) Affray b)Adultery c) Cognizable offence d) Robbery and Dacoity


  1. How confessional statements are recorded by a Magistrate? What precautions must the magistrate take before the recording of confessional statement?
  2. b) What are essentials of Dying Declaration and mode of recording it? What are the precautions magistrates shall take while recording dying declaration?


  1. Can a Criminal court issue process against a person who has not been arrayed as an accused in the charge sheet and if so, in what circumstances and at what stages?


  1. a) Write Short notes on the three presumptions enumerated in S.4 of the Indian Evidence Act.
  2. b) Explain the principles of Doctrine of double jeopardy with reference to relevant provisions.


  1. a) When can police arrest a person without a warrant?
  2. b) What is the sentence of imprisonment that can be imposed in default of fine?


  1. a) Gopal, while going on a journey entrust his gold chain to Venu till his return. Venu sells away that gold chain. What offence, if any, have been committed by Venu? Explain with reasons.
  2. b) Is threatening any persons to give false evidence an offence. If so what punishment can be imposed against him?


  1. Write an essay on “Plea bargaining’


  1. Whether the following offences are compoundable? If so, by whom? S.306, 309, 324, 326, 351, 441, 497, 498, 500, 504 and 508 IPC.




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