Study Material

Our research team presents subject through their reading material in a lucid and vivid style. Apart from that their insightful articles demystify many ticklish concepts of law. All these greatly help student to apply them in a real world scenario with more ease and pace. We offer Study Material for Civil judge Exams / public prosecutor Exam / All India Bar Council Exam / Trial Advocacy Course etc. Click here

Faculty Members

Our Faculty consists mainly of visiting lecturers, the majority of whom are busy legal practitioners.  It's their burning passion to produce better lawyers to society.

Our Programs

PALSAR's being Conglomeration of people who are rich in both Academics and Practice of law delivers services that would leverage our Justice delivery system to discharge its functions with more fairness and swiftness. In fact, the cursory glance of our course modules and performance of our students is a true testimony of this fact.


Power Academy of Legal Services and Research (PALSAR) is meant to ensure ‘JUSTICE’ that is accessible to all through competent legal education and legal aid.

There are many tools and techniques available that can help make justice accessible. Amongst those many tools, equipping advocates, public prosecutors, and judges with relevant legal knowledge with sound basic legal skills stands to be paramount. After all, in a society where justice is delivered as per law, the solution to human problems shall be evolved mainly from law itself. That is why it is important that advocates, public prosecutors, and judges possess clear understanding of the law as well as the ability to use the legal knowledge and sound skills to solve real world problems.

Our judicial system recruits young advocates as Prosecutors and Judges through various competitive exams. These professions carry high status, respect, and power in our society and greatly motivates young advocate to aspire for these prime posts.

The core areas that are tested in these competitive exams are the very basics of law and the legal system. Topics like ‘Law of Contracts’, ‘Transfer of Property’, ‘Law of Easements’ ‘Indian Penal Code’, ‘Marriage and Succession Laws’ and procedural laws like ‘Specific Relief Act’, ‘Civil Procedure Code’, ‘Criminal Procedure Code’,  ‘Limitation Law’ and ‘Law of Evidence’. It is needless to say that the right understanding of these subjects and their proper application not only ensures access to justice but greatly enhances quality of justice as well.

The need of the hour is to provide competent legal and justice education as well as requisite skills to young entrants of law to ensure the right nexus between the idea of access to justice and needs of young advocates. The Idea behind PALSAR is to make justice accessible to all through various legal education and guidance programs for various competitive exams like Civil Judge and Public Prosecutor.

But that is not the sole aim of PALSAR! We at PALSAR want to produce better lawyers who are not only richly endowed with knowledge of law but also possess appropriate legal skills and strategies. Our “Trial Advocacy Course” is a step forward in that direction.

PALSAR offers video law classes, books and reading material for all the courses including these Civil Judge, Public Prosecutor and Advocacy courses. Apart from that, PALSAR also offers legal aid and para legal services by way of innovative approaches and methods, supported by thorough research, active guidance, and partnership.

To carry out its vision and mission the PALSAR has dedicated faculty and infrastructure.  Its faculty comprising of NALSAR alumni, professionals from A.P. Judicial services, A.P. Police services and experienced advocates, combines world class teaching methods with local knowhow to give students that added advantage.

PALSAR offers Reading material, Video classes for  Civil Judge, Public Prosecutor and Advocacy Courses.



Vizagite Nikhil
Vizagite Nikhil
Very nice
Durga Priya
Durga Priya
It gives immense pleasure to say that I'm a PALSAR STUDENT, our guru Lavanya madam not only makes learning easy but also boosts our confidence levels
Rasthapuram Raveena
Rasthapuram Raveena
Best institute to crack jcj exam. Mam explains all 22 bare acts she is the best teacher i have never seen. Mam motivates each and every student how to crack jcj exam and Reading materials of this institute are very useful and helpful to the students for exams and i am very lucky to be a student From this institute.
m sravanthi
m sravanthi
Medam teaching was excellent and we can motivate and learn many to achieve our goal . Palsar was best institute for JCJ coaching. We can trust lavanya mam teaching and inputs for our syllabus

PALSARH offers 7 Months Long Term Guidance for JCJ Exam

Starts on: 4th March 2025

PALSARH offers 14 Days AP JCJ Prelims Exam Guidance

Starts on: 22nd March 2025

Note: Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

For Admission Inquiry Call: 7416137139

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